On 05/19/2011 08:52 PM, Panu Matilainen wrote:
Indeed, for something like mingw32 where everything lives in a distinct directory structure with easily recognizable suffixes, additional magic-rules adds little value over plain path-based regexes.
Thanks Panu.
After discussing it with Erik van Pienbroek and Richard W.M. Jones on IRC, I've built mingw32-filesystem with the new dep extraction support in rawhide.
This is how the mingw32.attr file now looks:
%__mingw32_provides %{_rpmconfigdir}/mingw32-find-provides.sh %__mingw32_requires %{_rpmconfigdir}/mingw32-find-requires.sh %__mingw32_path ^%{_mingw32_prefix}/.*.([Dd][Ll][Ll]|[Ee][Xx][Ee])$