On Sun, Aug 25, 2019, 8:16 AM Kalev Lember <kalevlember@gmail.com> wrote:

On 8/24/19 22:46, Michael Cronenworth wrote:
> The MinGW packages for EPEL 7 are in a very bad state. We haven't even
> started on EPEL 8 yet.
> Should we discontinue support for EPEL?
> Does anyone have any use case for EPEL?
> I'm going to retire my EPEL branches, but if anyone wants to take them
> over please go ahead.

Yes, I'd say go ahead and retire them. We are having enough trouble with
keeping Fedora MinGW packages up to date and there's no need to
complicate it with yet another branch

What would it take to keep it working? I know of several organizations using it. I would wager that a lot of EPEL users aren't public, so tracking user impact is difficult.