The gtkmm documentation recomends use of L"anything", then mingw32-glibmm is correct compiled.
The problem is glibmm compilation for windows.

If I use "#ifdef GLIBMM_HAVE_WIDE_STREAM" everything goes well, thanks.

2009/4/27 Gianluca Sforna <>
2009/4/25 Fabrício Godoy <>:
> I found the problem. But I don't know why.
> This compiles on Windows MinGW, but not in Fedora MinGW:
> Glib::ustring::format(std::setfill('0'), std::setw(2), 30);
> This compiles on Fedora MinGW, but not in Windows MinGW:
> Glib::ustring::format(std::setfill(L'0'), std::setw(2), 30);

I have a smaller test case showing the problem. If you compile:

#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>

using namespace std;
int main ()
std::wostringstream stream;
//std::ostringstream stream;

 stream << setfill ( 'x' )  << setw (10);
 return 0;


you get the same error. the error goes away if you use an
ostringstream instead of a wostringstream (or if you use the 'L'

Now guess what, glibmm has this in ustring.h:

class ustring::FormatStream
 typedef std::wostringstream StreamType;
 typedef std::ostringstream StreamType;

So I assume we compile glibmm with GLIBMM_HAVE_WIDE_STREAM defined.
Still not sure what is the correct fix to the issue...


