2nd IEEE/ACM International workshop on Big Data and Social Networking Management and Security (BDSN-2014).
In conjunction with the
7th IEEE/ACM International Conference On Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC-2014),
December 8-11, 2014, London, UK.
Data has always been recognized as an important asset for driving value be it scientific, governmental or for enterprise. The amount of data being generated constantly with high volume, velocity and variety has marked the emergence of "Big Data" as a contemporary research challenge with vast opportunities. In the context of the digital-world, the internet and Social Networks have contributed immensely in generating Big Data pools. Hundreds and millions of people around the globe are nowadays connected using different type of social networks. Big Data and Social Networks become interrelated in the modern computing agenda being both concerned with intensive data. As much opportunities they hold, Big Data and Social Networks come with their own challenges such as management, Security, Processing etc. In order to unlock the potentials of these technologies, innovative solutions are required, which will leverage new models in computing. The 2nd International workshop on Big Data and Social Networking Management and Security will be a forum for scientists, researchers, students, and practitioners to present their latest research results, ideas, developments, and applications in the areas of big data and social networking. We are mainly interested in receiving state of the art work on different aspect of big data management system, big data security and privacy, cloud computing and big data, social networking and big data analytics, and social networking management and security, to mention but few.
The topics of interest for this workshop include, but are not limited to:
* Big data and Social Networking concepts and applications
* Emerging technologies in Big Data and Social Networking
* Management Issues of Social Network Big Data
* Security challenges in Big Data and Social networks
* Social Network and Big Data Analytics
* Open Source tools for Big Data
* Green Computing for Big Data
* Network Infrastructure for Social Networking and Big Data
* Social Networks Monitoring Tools As a Service
* Cloud Computing for Big Data and Social Networks
* Big Data and the Internet of Things
* Big Data Management
* Big Data and Decision Making
* Visualization tools for Big Data
* Mobile Cloud networks and Big Data
* Social network data analysis tools and services on the Cloud
* Case studies
Organising Committee
General Co-chairs
* Elhadj Benkhelifa , Staffordshire University, UK
* Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, (Co-chair), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Malaysia.
Technical Program Co-chairs
* Qutaibah Althebyan, JUST, Jordan
* Abdallah Khreishah, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
Publication and Publicity Co-chairs
* Mahmoud Al-Ayyoub, JUST, Jordan
* Yaser Jararweh, JUST, Jordan
Steering Committee
* Ashiq Anjum, University of Derby, UK
* Andy Rindos, IBM Research, USA
* Jianwu Wang, University of California, San Diego, USA
* Ahmed Bouridane, University of Northumbria, UK
* Mohamed Abdel-Maguid, University Campus Suffolk, UK
* Rehab Duwairi, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan
* Muhannad Quwaider, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan
Important Dates
* Paper Submission: August 15, 2014
* Author's Notification: September 15, 2014
* Camera-ready paper submission: September 29, 2014
* Early Registration Deadline: September 29, 2014
Instructions for Authors
Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers of up to 6 pages, strictly following the IEEE Proceedings Templates. Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed and prospective authors are expected to present their papers at the conference. The papers that are accepted and presented at the conference will appear in conference proceedings. Proceedings of the workshops will be submitted to IEEE-Xplore and the IEEE Computer Society (CSDL) digital libraries.
Please submit your paper in PDF format via EasyChair system.
Please send any inquiry on BDSN 2014 to yijararweh(a)just.edu.jo
BDSN 2013: London UK, http://www.staffs.ac.uk/personal/engineering_and_technology/eb26/BDSN13/def…
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