New Site
by Starburst Services SysOp Team
19 Dec '24
19 Dec '24
Since the Mirror Manager is still broken, could some add the following
additional mirror?
Location: India
URL: http:// &
Supports both IPv4 & IPv6
EPEL Only Mirror
We hope that we can to have sync premission of fedora-buffet0 (which
include pre-bitflip contents).
Also, we want to apply to be another Tier 1 mirror in Asia.
We already have an entry on the mirrormanager.
URL: (also works for https and rsync)
Organization: Taiwan Digital Streaming Co.
Location: Taipei City, Taiwan
Network: IPv4 and IPv6
Modules: We would like to have fedora-buffet0, currently
have fedora-buffet, fedora-enchilada, fedora-epel, fedora-secondary
The contact of the mirror is mirror(a) with 7/24 monitoring .
This mail was sent to admin(a), and they redirect me to here.
Li-Heng Yu 尤理衡
Taiwan Digital Streaming Co.
Phone: +886920498225