On 06-10-2022 14:43, Stephen John Smoogen wrote:
On Thu, 6 Oct 2022 at 04:48, Kees Bakker <keesb@ghs.com> wrote:

Sorry if this the wrong mailing list for this. Or should I create an issue on github?

It may help to back up a bit and explain what the setup you are trying for.
Good point. The main reason is that CentOS and Fedora both come with .repo
files that use metalink=
In my setup (disconnected from the Internet) I can't use that. As a workaround
I manually figured out what baseurl= settings I need. This is doable but quite
a hassle when creating containers all the time. It certainly is not possible with
a sed / bash script.
BTW. I do have a copy of a CentOS and Fedora mirror on my local network.
So, I was hoping to setup a MirrorManager and just have my own internal
mirror on it.

Mirror manager is meant to deal with dozens of geolocated mirrors on the internet and work out which ones are closest to the user and give a list of some subset to them. It is also meant to allow for self-management of each of the mirrors and then scanning of the sites to see if they are in sync.

If you aren't needing all of this, then mirrorlist may be overkill for what you need. Air gapped networks generally do not have a way to give geolocation to the site (as that would usually be a bad thing on an air-gapped network). They are also usually more centrally managed.

The two sites I know which are using mirrormanager are Fedora and RPMfusion. I expect that it has been set up in situ for a long time so having it looked at by someone outside to figure out what isn't documented is good.
So, I draw the conclusion that MirrorManager is not going to give what I was hoping for.

Thanks for the answer anyway.

I'm trying to setup my own MirrorManager [1]. The README gives two simple methods,
but none of them work for me. The Vagrant method only works when there is an IPA
server (ipa.tinystage.test) around. The other method (native, virtualenv) has lots of
issues. The setup description is close to useless.

Problems encountered so far:
* no example or description for client_secrets.json
* pip requirements needs itsdangerous==2.0.1
* flaskext is not ready for Python3
   File "/home/keesb/src/mirrormanager2/.env/lib64/python3.10/site-packages/flaskext/xmlrpc.py", line 252
     except Fault, fault:
SyntaxError: multiple exception types must be parenthesized

So, the question is: how can I setup my own MirrorManager? Did anyone try this

[1] https://github.com/fedora-infra/mirrormanager2/
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Stephen J Smoogen.
Let us be kind to one another, for most of us are fighting a hard battle. -- Ian MacClaren