Hi Bruce and Bruno,

On 11/1/20 3:51 AM, Bruno Vernay wrote:
First : this list is kind of dead, at least you won't have too many mail from it.
Then about you interface, I guess it is the Line 6 GuitarPort.
I could not find whether it is Class Compliant or not.  (Some interfaces require a driver and will only work on Windows/MAc)

You could try to connect it to various USB ports on you PC and 
- type "dmesg" in a console just after having plugged the USB, to see what is recognized.
- If the console is too alien for you.  Launch QJack (graphical application that should be already installed) ; Go to "Setup ..." and look at the "Interface" drop down list if you can see your interface.

That would be a start.

Note that until your interface is recognized the distributions or applications you are using won't make a difference.  Let's first solve that


On Sun, Nov 1, 2020 at 1:24 AM bruce <darkoverlordofdata@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi, I’ve just installed fedora jam on my spare laptop. I’ve been using windows for all my music, and I want to see what linux has to offer. I went with Jam because I wouldn’t know what software to install or how to configure it, so this seems like the place to start.  

But I’m not getting anywhere using it, and the wiki doesn’t seem to have much info. 

Here is my problem: when I plug in my audio interface (I’m using GuitarPort) I get unprocessed raw sound from my guitar in my headphones right away, before I even start anything. (Normally I don’t hear anything until the signal is routed through the amplifier software, but I’ve never used it in linux before, maybe that is expected?)

I went into StudioControls -> Audio Setup -> Jack Master Setting, and I see the following: 

Jack Master Device (no USB): lists my sound card and my guitar port.  

USB device that should be Master: No USB Master.  

The thing is, GuitarPort *is* a USB device. No matter what I do, all I get is raw guitar output. I feel a bit like all I’m doing is closing my eyes and poking at it with a stick. Are there some instructions on how to set this up? 





So, QJackCtl is overly-complicated, and unless you know what you're doing it should be avoided. This is why I started including Studio Controls with Jam. Studio Controls simplifies it.

And, I'm sorry I'm just now answering this. My time is quite limited this weekend due to family events.

What it looks like is that the device is being recognized, JACK is starting, but the device isn't being patched to the outputs. Open Carla, and click on the Patchbay tab. From there you can drag a wire from your input to whatever output (or plugin input) you'd like. Carla is a plugin host, so think of it as an effects rack or an equipment rack, and the patchbay as a patchbay, or the back of said rack.

I hope that helps.

Erich Eickmeyer
Fedora Jam