Can I give this a shot?  Basically, check it and make sure the error hasn't changed, or once this error is clear, that there are no errors, right? 

Would this go on for 3-4 months or so and then a break, before restarting for the next release?  Or is it throughout the year, continuously?

On 2/13/2020 4:04 PM, Ankur Sinha wrote:

We're getting closer to F32 release, and we must ensure that the
CompNeuro ISO image keeps building correctly in each "compose" that the
Fedora Release Engineering (releng) runs.

Failed composes are now noted here with a new ticket:

For example, in the latest compose, all images failed:

Our image also failed because of an additional error:
- nothing provides python3-networkx-core needed by
I've filed a bug with the python-networkx maintainer here:

So, do we have someone who would like to be "Compose Wrangler" for us?
The main responsibility is to monitor this repository on a daily basis
to check if the ISO was created correctly. If it wasn't, to let the list
here know why so that we can see what needs fixing. The time this task
would require would be ~5/10 minutes per day (or every alternate day).

Any volunteers? :)

(If not, we can advertise for "Compose Wranger" as an open position on
the blog etc., but it'll be good for one of us to start here for the
time being.)

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Danny Lee  <>
I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; 
we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.  ~ Leonardo da Vinci