On 29/08/2019 20:01, Ben Rosser wrote:
> Hm, does it make sense then to have a compatibility package for lodash3?
I think we may have to multiversion it yes. Been thinking that for
a while.
I'll try and have a look at doing a lodash4 version of the spec
over the weekend...
> dnf repoquery --whatrequires nodejs-lodash says:
You need to look at all the nodejs-lodash-xxx modules as well which
are built from the same source, although they don't make as much
difference as I expected. That and BRs which I haven't looked at.
> My guess is also that at least *some* of these packages have a newer
> release which support lodash 4 but no one has updated the package,
> whether because the package is effectively unmaintained or the
> maintainer is overworked or worried about breaking dependencies. :(
Oh probably quite a lot do, it's been a bit chicken and egg having
to try and do everything at once, or even audit what is actually
doable - ie what dependants have a new version with support.
> For instance, looking at the last package on this list... the current
> version of zip-stream is 2.1.2 and does not actually require lodash at
> all anymore.
> https://github.com/archiverjs/node-zip-stream/blob/master/package.json
Somebody should update it then ;-)
Tom Hughes (tom(a)compton.nu)