On Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 3:25 PM Nicolas Mailhot <nicolas.mailhot@laposte.net> wrote:

I'm currently investigating the packaging of Prometheus and Grafana in

Grafana OTOH has a clean codebase with a build process that uses yarn to
get third-party javascript

Therefore, I'm looking for help :
   1. either pointers or advice on how to package this javascript cleanly
   2. ideally, people willing to take over this javascript packaging, so
I can focus on finishing the Golang plumbing in Fedora

I tried to package javascript packages for Grafana a couple years back but found that by the time I got half of the packages done the project updated some library and I would need to package 50 more dependencies. At some point I just gave up, it is just too much work for too little benefit, I just download the rpm from the Grafana website. Also maintaining those packages turned out to take more time than I anticipated. An update to some library often introduces many new dependencies which need to be packaged, some modules depend on specific versions of libraries which makes things even harder.

I was actually planning in orphaning many of the nodejs packages I "maintain", I'll just keep them for now, many of them are needed for Grafana. If you want to co-maintain them let me know.

Anyway, good luck
