I have looked primarily at the XO-1.75 and XO-4 images, but also a bit at the XO-1.5 image since it came out this morning.

The ability to use the GNOME menus is back along with the icons that previously disappeared in Sugar.

XO-1.75 audio is still poor in quality (especially recording; #12199), and XO-4 audio does not exist yet.  Using a (non-released, test) XO-4 firmware image past q7b04 risks having os9 not boot until Linux & OFW get synced up again (#12271).

The "cannot determine a method resolution order" error still occasionally happens on XO-4.

Occasionally when using touch I get a secondary (right-click) menu with no items in it (completely black), but sized like it has the normal list of items.  This has happened in the Network view (Access points) as well as in the spiral view (central XO character).  This might be touch related or just a video driver bug.

Once I had no secondary menus/palettes show up at all in all of the main Sugar views until I restarted Sugar, although things initially worked.  I could not start any new activities either.  The exception in Sugar suggested a byte to Unicode conversion error.  I need to file a ticket on this and try and reproduce it.


On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 3:41 PM, Daniel Drake <dsd@laptop.org> wrote:
On Sun, Nov 4, 2012 at 5:08 AM, Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@gmail.com> wrote:
> - The some activity updates
> - XO-4 kernel work for 8787/mwifiex wireless, touchscreen improvement, and I
> believe some suspend/resume work
> Thanks for any testing and feedback!

Thanks Peter for the builds. The XO-1 and XO-1.5 images are now there too:

Testing appreciated, since I haven't tested them :)

Since build 8 we have fixed:
#12259 Support systemd-195's depreciation/migration of various
configuration settings
#12246 OS8 Gnome Applications menu is empty
#12137 Tap-to-click enabled on some XO4s
#12244 Browse homepage not touch-friendly
#12227 XO-4 build lacks latest runin
#12044 XO-1 glyph rendering bugs in X
#12138 Incorrect repeat rendering on XO-1.5
#12171 XO-4: X11 segfault triggered by touch input

The "invisible" sugar icon issue seen in build 8 is also fixed.

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