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Autoscan finished with errors:
Error: LOCK (CWE-667):
openlmi-providers-0.4.1_62_g4d87f52/src/indmanager/ind_manager.c:1211: lock: "pthread_mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t *)" locks "manager->_t_mutex".
openlmi-providers-0.4.1_62_g4d87f52/src/indmanager/ind_manager.c:1214: missing_unlock: Returning without unlocking "manager->_t_mutex".

Scanned reviews: 1290,1291

- scanbot

On November 26th, 2013, 11:11 a.m. UTC, Michal Minar wrote:

Review request for OpenLMI Developers.
By Michal Minar.

Updated Nov. 26, 2013, 11:11 a.m.

Repository: openlmi-providers


software: fixed and speeded up associator call

Associators generator of LMI_SoftwareIdentityServiceAffectsElement is
broken. It generates only CIM_ComputerSystem, not any
LMI_SoftwareIdentity instance. And if it did, it would be too slow (tens
of minutes). This patch allows software identities to be generated and
adds optimizations reducing its execution time to seconds.

Resolves: rhbz#1034698


  • src/software/lmi/software/ (ddc9b3223398432f4c63e5656457c153c1d13b58)

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