Dne 23. 06. 22 v 14:24 Aleksandra Fedorova napsal(a):
>> 1) An user rebuilds a package from Fedora dist-git in local mock, what will be
>> the value of the build tag? How will the local build sort over the official
>> Fedora builds?
> Afaik currently, if you do a local build, you need to bump an NVR to
> ensure the upgrade path is set. Then if the base distribution upgrades
> or rebuilds the package, you would need to bump your version again if
> you like to preserve the upgrade path.
> This approach would work exactly the same way after the change, as
> bumping the Release tag in the sources makes build-related versioning
> irrelevant.
> We can agree that by default Build tag in mock environment is unset.
> Local builds have no build id, and to make clean upgrades bump of
> Release tag is required.
> But there are some new possibilities:
> If you want to create a local rebuild without Release bump, you would
> be able to pass the build tag value manually and set to whatever you
> want. For example you can add 1 to existing build tag. Or you could
would be able => most people will not do that.
> set it to 0. Or to 99999999.
Any final guidelines should recommend the semantics of the number. At least.
It can be monotonous sequence (1, 2, 3...) or a date used in SOA in DNS (2022062301). Or anything else. Just document it.
> The latter is less likely though.
> If I were to create local builds which are always higher or always
> lower than builds from the base system, I would probably play with the
> dist-tag, not build id:
> $ rpmdev-vercmp 0:1.2.3-12.fc37.15 0:1.2.3-12.localfc37.1
> 0:1.2.3-12.fc37.15 < 0:1.2.3-12.localfc37.1
> There is also a possibility to set default local build tag to be the
> local timestamp. But I am not sure if it is useful for a local
> development
>> 2) A packager rebuilds packages from Fedora dist-git in a Copr repo, what will
>> be the value of the build tag? How will the Copr build sort over the official
>> Fedora builds? (This is essentially the same question but the answer might differ.)
> Similar as above, the questions would be how does it work now, do we
> want a change or do we want to keep the current setup?
While for local build users may set the tag to some value, Copr should set it. And Copr developers needs to know to what
value it will be.
I, personally, do not participate in this thread as I am in neutral position. At the end, I would appreciate issue
created against Mock and Copr where will be clear guidance what and how it should be set.