I'm in the middle of reviewing https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=751925 python-tables and came Toshio's useful link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Toshio/Unbundling_Python_Modules
The maintainer has licensed the package as multi-license BSD and AFL - on investigating it seems to included another file from a package here http://evan.prodromou.name/Software/Python/LRUCache, however the python-table developers have modified it significantly for there own use, albeit with the same file and class name.
Does this still constitute a bundled library or is it OK to include as is?
The file in question lrucache.py is released under the AFL license and is attributed correctly in the python-tables source (by way of a copy of the original lrucache license).
thanks for your help