On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 3:16 PM, Sérgio Basto sergio@serjux.com wrote:
Also documented in https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:SourceURL#Troublesome_URLs
Relating to Github: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:SourceURL#Github
One thing to remember is the use of the snapshot guidelines; you'll want to do that unless you are using a release tag commit.
Several ways to handle: one is to add:
%global checkout YYYYMMDDgit%shortcommit (where YYYY = year, MM = month, DD day you pulled the commit)
There is a bit of discretion left to the packager to the ultimate format of %{checkout} - but I did a quick search and found most folks were using the format outlined above, so I figured go with the crowd.
then Release n.%{checkout}%{?dist}
finally in %changelog, don't forget to add the %{checkout} information to your release version there or you'll get a mismatch.
Also, you need to manual state the information, i.e.: n.n.n.YYYYMMDDgitnnnnnnnn - you'll get an error if you try to actually use %{checkout} in %changelog.
I just went through all this, so it's fresh in my mind... ;-)
If anyone else has any recommendations on this, would appreciate reading them.