An fc13 build of "muse" is missing automatic SONAME deps. The fc12 and fc11 builds made on the same day are fine.
The "muse" packages disables the internal dep generator to filter the Provides. Somehow this disables also the Requires.
Has anything in fc13 RPM changed that would also affect packages other than this?
On Thu, 18 Feb 2010 20:56:54 +0100, I wrote:
An fc13 build of "muse" is missing automatic SONAME deps. The fc12 and fc11 builds made on the same day are fine.
The "muse" packages disables the internal dep generator to filter the Provides. Somehow this disables also the Requires.
Has anything in fc13 RPM changed that would also affect packages other than this? [F-13 build of python3 package does not have a "Requires:" (external find-requires script?)]
temporary breakage of the find-requires script in "rpm" Has there been a warning about that in some place?
On Thu, 18 Feb 2010, Michael Schwendt wrote:
On Thu, 18 Feb 2010 20:56:54 +0100, I wrote:
An fc13 build of "muse" is missing automatic SONAME deps. The fc12 and fc11 builds made on the same day are fine.
The "muse" packages disables the internal dep generator to filter the Provides. Somehow this disables also the Requires.
Has anything in fc13 RPM changed that would also affect packages other than this? [F-13 build of python3 package does not have a "Requires:" (external find-requires script?)]
temporary breakage of the find-requires script in "rpm"
Not in rpm but redhat-rpm-config, and it only affects anything using the external dependency generator. In other words, only the packages doing something strange are affected.
Has there been a warning about that in some place?
No... but perhaps there should. Any package disabling the internal dependnecy generator that has been (re)built between Feb 3rd and 15th is potentially affected.
- Panu -