The spec file in question is located here:
I assume that since it is against Fedora guidelines to install to /opt, that there aren't any exceptions. We do have in the repo a script to create the AWS compatible symlinks in /opt, rather than the actual files:
Would it be acceptable to call the above script in the %post section? I'm just not sure the proper way to proceed with the compatability and guidelines being in conflict.
On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 12:52 PM, Jeff Peeler wrote:
The spec file in question is located here:
I assume that since it is against Fedora guidelines to install to /opt, that there aren't any exceptions. We do have in the repo a script to create the AWS compatible symlinks in /opt, rather than the actual files:
Would it be acceptable to call the above script in the %post section? I'm just not sure the proper way to proceed with the compatability and guidelines being in conflict.
I don't see a way to allow this. As the guidelines sit now, we shouldn't
touch /opt at all.
packaging mailing list
On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 12:56:09PM -0500, Jon Ciesla wrote:
On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 12:52 PM, Jeff Peeler wrote:
The spec file in question is located here: I assume that since it is against Fedora guidelines to install to /opt, that there aren't any exceptions. We do have in the repo a script to create the AWS compatible symlinks in /opt, rather than the actual files: cfn-create-aws-symlinks Would it be acceptable to call the above script in the %post section? I'm just not sure the proper way to proceed with the compatability and guidelines being in conflict.
I don't see a way to allow this. As the guidelines sit now, we shouldn't touch /opt at all.
...wWhich would include running the script in %post. We give /srv and /opt to the sysadmin exclusively.
For the things packaged in Fedora, the correct thing to do would be to patch everything to look in %{_bindir}/ for the programs (perhaps in addition to /opt/aws). If parts of the stack of dependent software is not ever going to be in fedora, those pieces should be changed in the outside packaging.
Providing a script to create the symlinks that the sysadmin can optionally run after the rpm is installed is okay as a temporary compatibility measure although I would still urge/submit patches to upstream to search %{_bindir} for the required programs. No_Files_or_Directories_under_.2Fsrv.2C_.2Fopt.2C_or_.2Fusr.2Flocal