Is it OK to use pseudo top level name like .i2p (eepsite) in URL or some other real top level name for packages? I didn't see guideline covering this.
On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 08:24:51AM +0800, Christopher Meng wrote:
Hi, Is it OK to use pseudo top level name like .i2p (eepsite) in URL or some other real top level name for packages? I didn't see guideline covering this.
I don't think we've ever had guidance for the URL tag, other than rpmlint's warnings.
That said, I don't think we should use pseudo-tlds, except _maybe_ for officially-recognized ones like .onion. Tools like package installers might present these URLs to users, and they should not have unpredictable meaning.
Dne 21.9.2015 v 02:24 Christopher Meng napsal(a):
Is it OK to use pseudo top level name like .i2p (eepsite) in URL or some other real top level name for packages? I didn't see guideline covering this.
I would follow the SourceURL guidelines [1], which says:
"To help reviewers and QA scripts verify this, the packager needs to indicate where a reviewer can find the source that was used to make the rpm."
I've personally never heard about .i2p top level domain, so for me it would be unacceptable, but may be I am not the target audience ...