Le 17/07/2009 16:59, Mamoru Tasaka a écrit :
> Christopher Stone wrote, at 07/17/2009 02:22 PM +9:00:
>> On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 9:26 PM, Mamoru
>> Tasaka<mtasaka(a)ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp> wrote:
>>> Christopher Stone wrote, at 07/17/2009 11:59 AM +9:00:
>>>> On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 1:35 AM, Mamoru
>>>> Tasaka<mtasaka(a)ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp> wrote:
>>>>> You must explain why you want to force to change understore to hyphen,
>>>>> even if installed files actually uses understore in its name.
>>>> So trying to think back to when we originally created the PHP
>>>> guidelines, specifically for php-pear, I think we had already
>>>> discussed this issue. You may want to search the packaging list
>>>> archives, I forget when we formulated the guidelines. Anyway, I think
>>>> the logic behind it was that the perl packages converted the :: to -
>>>> in their packages. So in order to be consistent with the perl packages
>>>> we used the same convention in the php-pear packages. There might be
>>>> some other technical reason why fedora converts upstream's :: to - for
>>>> perl packages which I'm not aware of however. But IIRC, that was the
>>>> logic behind the package naming.
>>> perl modules have some underscore naming like
>>> perl-Convert-NLS_DATE_FORMAT. We have no reason we must apply perl
>>> naming rule here and again there is no reason we should convert
>>> underscore
>>> to hyphen
>>> which would just cause confusion.
>>> Please think in the way that we need less guidelines as much as
>>> possible.
>>> If you have some reason *specific to php-pear*, please explain, and such
>>> reason must be written somewhere properly.
>>> Mamoru
>> Then I guess we should search the packaging list archives and see if
>> we can find the reasoning when the guidelines were being formulated.
>> It must have been discussed or else the entire packaging committee
>> misunderstood the guidelines at the time. The majority of the
>> packages are owned by Remi and myself. I don't know how much work it
>> will be to rename all the packages.
First, I think this discussion should go to fedora-php-devel (a public
place), as I'd like to heard from others (tim please ?)
> So at least for now we cannot justify why underscore should be converted
> to hyphen, right?
I'm still not convinced.. but probably because I hate underscore...
> For me it is strange that you or Remi don't remember
> that (, however I guess there was actually no _real_ reason anyway).
> If we cannot find out what was discussed, we must withdraw the proposal
> about converting underscore to hyphen and at least new packages must
> use underscore if upstream's naming uses it.
> (However I think remaing php-pear related packages on Fedora is preferable
> and it is better that such renaming should be begun as early as possible)
:( really a big work
> Regards,
> Mamoru
Best regards.