Composer epidemic...
So the "bartlett" channel is also dead (no more updated).
I'm working (again) on switching packages from this channel from pear to
git sources (upstream now distributes a "big" phar, with lot of bundled
libraries, including some symfony ones)
Work is mostly done.
Package are available in my "remi-test" repository and will be pushed
soon in rawhide/epel7 (I'm waiting for PhpParser update)
Packages needed:
Warning, new syntax !
Simple example of a source analysis
$ cd /path/to/sources
$ phpcompatinfo -v analyser:run . extension
(the . argument is not a path, but a "provider" name, defined in
/etc/phpcompatinfo.json configuratiuon file, so the "cd" is mandatory,
for now)
Notice: I will submit a patch to fedora-review to detect and use the
correct syntax command.
As this tool is very important for PHP package maintainer / reviewer,
Tests are very welcome.