PHPUnit 9.3 is the first and only version with official
support for upcoming PHP 8.0
For now we only have 9.2 in Fedora
9.3 is blocked by new pending reviews
1867889: php-phar-io-version3 (major version)
1867890: php-phar-io-manifest2 (major version)
1867894: php-sebastian-complexity (new component)
1867896: php-sebastian-lines-of-code (new component)
1867897: php-sebastian-global-state5 (major version)
1867898: php-phpunit-php-code-coverage9 (major version)
Even if some test suites pass with old PHPUnit
I heartily encourage to adapt your package to
use the latest version.
Change for 8.0 are really huge, and I don't
plan to try to backport them
(ex, "match" is now a protected keyword)