I started to work on a spec[1] file for exactimage. ExactImage is a C++ image processing library like ImageMagick.
There are php bindings available, but I have never packaged any php modules before. Maybe someone of you is interested in comaintaining the package, or just can help me with the php part. The spec file is in my personal git[2], if you want to just clone it. The non php part of the spec file is not complete by now, I added some comments what I need to fix before submitting it for review, but I wanted to ask for help on the php early.
[1] - http://git.dyroff.org/?p=sdyroff-rpms.git;a=blob_plain;f=SPECS/exactimage.sp...
[2] - git://git.dyroff.org/sdyroff-rpms.git
Le 01/11/2012 21:50, Sebastian Dyroff a écrit :
I wanted to ask for help on the php early
Quick notes
First, php-exactimage will be a better name (under the php namespace)
Read : http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:PHP
- ABI check (ensure compatiblity between PHP and module)
Requires: php(zend-abi) = %{php_zend_api} Requires: php(api) = %{php_core_api}
- ExactImage.php
Don't need this file (could add it in %doc)
- ExactImage.ini
Please add this file, minimal content could be
; Enable ExactImage extension module extension=ExactImage.so
%file -n php-exactimage %doc objdir/api/php/ExactImage.php %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/php.d/ExactImage.ini %{php_extdir}/ExactImage.so
Filter for private shared %{?filter_provides_in: %filter_provides_in %{php_extdir}/.*.so$}
There is no test provided, but, at least a minimum test to ensure that extension is loadable
%check php -n \ -d extension_dir=objdir/api/php \ -d extension=ExactImage.so -m \ | grep ExactImage
Outside of PHP, it seems each module (perl, python, php) are built using the static library (api.a). Really need to share this one, I think.
Regards, Remi.
Le 01/11/2012 21:50, Sebastian Dyroff a écrit :
I started to work on a spec[1] file for exactimage. ExactImage is a C++ image processing library like ImageMagick.
I miss one point.
There is conflicts when a app try to used ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick at the same time (duplicate symbol in both libraries, I think)
So, you should try to load both your extension and another which use GraphicsMagick (php-pecl-gmagick is the only one IIRC).
Often, it will crash php on a simple "php -i"
In this case, you probably need to add a Conflicts.