Greetings, PHP experts. I currently maintain (rather poorly) the Horde groupware suite (horde, imp, ingo, jeta, kronolith, turba) in Fedora. (There are also a few pieces of the suite that aren't packaged, mainly because I have no use for them.)
Our version is quite outdated at this point, held up by the fact that the Horde developers split there monolithic packages up into a multitude of small packages delivered through a PEAR channel. And while this makes it pretty simple from a non-distro deployment standpoint, getting this all packaged up for Fedora looks rather un-fun.
So, a few questions:
Is there any existing utility for automating the conversion of a PEAR channel full of stuff into Fedora-acceptable specs?
How about anything to help with monitoring said PEAR channel for updates to make sure things stay properly updated?
Any chance of assistance with something on the order of a hundred new package reviews? Or, even better, any chance of anyone wanting to help out with maintenance?
I've maintained PHP-related stuff before and I know it's not terribly difficult, but I've never undertaken anything of this magnitude.
Thanks in advance for any info.
- J<
Le 25/01/2012 03:23, Jason L Tibbitts III a écrit :
Greetings, PHP experts.
Quite a long answer...
I currently maintain (rather poorly) the Horde groupware suite (horde, imp, ingo, jeta, kronolith, turba) in Fedora. (There are also a few pieces of the suite that aren't packaged, mainly because I have no use for them.)
Our version is quite outdated at this point, held up by the fact that the Horde developers split there monolithic packages up into a multitude of small packages delivered through a PEAR channel. And while this makes it pretty simple from a non-distro deployment standpoint, getting this all packaged up for Fedora looks rather un-fun.
We have done such a work for the Ez components (php-ezc-*)
Not funny but really useful (some components are also used/required by other applications).
So, a few questions:
Is there any existing utility for automating the conversion of a PEAR channel full of stuff into Fedora-acceptable specs?
Yes :) (of course, we don't like doing work which can be scripted)
# yum install php-pear-PEAR-Command-Packaging
For the Channel
$ wget $ pear make-rpm-spec channel.xml Wrote RPM spec file php-channel-horde.spec
For each component :
$ pear download horde/Horde_Log File /tmp/Horde_Log-1.1.2.tgz downloaded
$ pear make-rpm-spec Horde_Log-1.1.2.tgz Wrote RPM spec file php-horde-Horde-Log.spec
The generated spec is quite good and respect the Fedora PHP Guildeline Just a few check / cleanup
This can be a good opportunity to improve php-pear-PEAR-Command-Packaging (still a minor bug on non standard channel provides, Tim Jackson is upstream and maintainer, I also co-maintain it and could work to improve the fedora template)
Dependencies are generally well defined by upstream in the package.xml and then managed by "make-rpm-spec", but phpci could also detect some requirement on PHP version / extension.
$ phpci print -r Horde_Log-1.1.2 ... => REQUIRED PHP 5.1.0 (MIN)
$ phpci print --report extension -R Horde_Log-1.1.2 => Core, SPL, SimpleXML, date, dom, pcre, standard, xml
As this package requires php 5.2 with dom extension (from upstream), result will be, in this case (other extensions are in php-common)
Requires: php-xml >= 5.2.0
How about anything to help with monitoring said PEAR channel for updates to make sure things stay properly updated?
pear list-upgrades
Or, "my" upstream monitoring tool
Of course I can add a new channel easily.
Any chance of assistance with something on the order of a hundred new package reviews? Or, even better, any chance of anyone wanting to help out with maintenance?
I can help, for the reviewsss, and why not, for some packages I will propose to start with the channel + 2-3 packages
I also notice than this packages come with test suite. I have work quite a lot to be able to run this test suite during %check, which is, I think, a good practice, so I can also help on this (phpunit is, of course, available in the repo)
After, this will be a nearly automatic process (only a few check needed, mainly on Provides/Requires)
I've maintained PHP-related stuff before and I know it's not terribly difficult, but I've never undertaken anything of this magnitude.
I have to write some update for the PHP Guideline (php 5.4 related)
I think this packaging "tips" probably worth a page somewhere (under the PHP Sig ?, with a link from PHP Guidelines ?)
Thanks in advance for any info.
Hope this helps...
Le 25/01/2012 07:37, Remi Collet a écrit :
$ pear make-rpm-spec Horde_Log-1.1.2.tgz Wrote RPM spec file php-horde-Horde-Log.spec
The generated spec is quite good and respect the Fedora PHP Guildeline Just a few check / cleanup
This update should help: