*** MockObjects 3.1.2 was released a few days ago
This new raise detect badly written test suites which try to mock things which cannot be mock.
So during test suite it raise message like:
1) Monolog\Handler\MailHandlerTest::testHandleBatch Trying to configure method "write" which cannot be configured because it does not exist, has not been specified, is final, or is static
2) Monolog\Handler\RavenHandlerTest::testHandleBatchDoNothingIfRecordsAreBelowLevel Trying to configure method "handle" which cannot be configured because it does not exist, has not been specified, is final, or is static
With PHPUnit 5.2, this is an error, and test suite fails. So I don't plan to update this without PHPUnit 5.3.
With PHPUnit 5.3, this is only a warning (which need to be fixed upstream, some projects have already be hit by this and start to fix it)
*** PHPUnit 5.3 is released
https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit/wiki/Release-Announcement-for-P... (not ready)
As often, new dependency:
1320532: php-sebastian-object-enumerator Traverses array and object to enumerate all referenced objects
So I plan to import both when possible in Fedora 24+
In the meantime will be in my repository, and I will use those new versions for my local build.
Regards, Remi.
New builds in rawhide, soon in F24:
php-phpunit-PHPUnit-5.3.2-1.fc25 php-phpunit-PHPUnit-MockObject-3.1.3-1.fc25 php-phpunit-PHP-CodeCoverage-3.3.1-1.fc25
As expected, mockobjects have raised some FTBFS, fixed by phpunit 5.3.2 [1] but this means the test suite raise some warnings, ex:
php-doctrine-dbal php-nrk-Predis php-SymfonyCmfRouting php-zendframework-zend-cache php-zendframework-zend-console php-zendframework-zend-db
[1] ex: https://apps.fedoraproject.org/koschei/package/php-nrk-Predis
Le 21/04/2016 09:23, Remi Collet a écrit :
New builds in rawhide, soon in F24: