recently, we were suggested an improvement for %pyproject_buildrequires
We could read the project's runtime dependencies (if they're not marked
as `dynamic`) from pyproject.toml [project] table directly, without
calling prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel or building the wheel to read
the dependency metadata from it.
Reading the metadata via prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel is already
quite fast, however implementing that hook is optional for the build
backends. When the hook is not available, we need to build the wheel,
which can be potentially very slow and resource-hungry (imagine building
the entire scipy project).
Metadata in pyproject.toml is standardized (PEP 621), however there is
no way of telling ahead of time if the build backend already supports
that standard.
See the details and discussion in bugzilla:
Maxwell has raised some valid concerns there:
- Other tools (build frontends, e.g. pip/build) call
prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel, our macros would diverge in
functionality compared to the rest of the landscape.
- pyproject.toml's [project] may not be the source of metadata that the
build backend uses. A project could switch to a build backend without
PEP 621 support (e.g. poetry-core) and forget to remove the [project] table.
- There can be potential differences between BuildRequires and Requires
generators when one generates dependencies based on the pyproject.toml
[project] table while the other on the packaged dist-info metadata.
- Using macros to build on older systems: e.g. RHEL 9's old setuptools
version silently ignores the pyproject.toml [project] table -
%pyproject_buildrequires could still pull the dependency information
from it, but the resulting package would be broken because it did not
include those in the packaged dist-info metadata.
One way to mitigate would be to make the proposed behavior opt-in only,
with the possibility to either build wheel with -w option (already
existing) or e.g. -p (now-proposed: reading from pyproject.toml) in case
backend doesn't have prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel. However, this
adds a layer of complexity for packagers and macros maintainers.
The questions we'd love your input for:
- Should %pyproject_buildrequires try to read dependencies from
pyproject.toml first and fall back to calling hooks only if that fails?
- Should %pyproject_buildrequires call the hook and try to fall
back to reading dependencies from pyproject.toml when the hook is not
- Should this behavior exist but not be the default (explicit flag
would be required to opt-in)?
- Can you think of a better alternative than the ones described here?
Hello Pythonistas.
The virtualenv version in Fedora is currently stuck at 20.21.1 (April 2023).
This is because version 20.22+ dropped support for Python 2.7 and 3.6 virtual
Now when Python 2.7 was retired via
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/RetirePython2.7 the only difference is
Python 3.6.
If we upgrade virtualenv, developers targeting Python 3.6 (e.g. RHEL 8 platform
Python) can use `python3.6 -m venv` to create Python 3.6 virtual environments.
Developers using tox can follow
I propose we bite the bullet and update virtualenv to the latest version in
Fedora 42+.
Miro Hrončok
Phone: +420777974800
Fedora Matrix: mhroncok
On 14. 08. 24 18:21, Paul Howarth wrote:
>> You can use this opportunity to update your package to the current
>> Python packaging guidelines, see e.g.
>> https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/python-cachetools/pull-request/4
>> Affected 199 packages by maintainers based on a simple specfile grep
>> for ^[^-#].+\bsetup\.py\s+test\b
> There are probably quite a few packages not caught by this, for example
> python-pycryptodomex, which has:
> %check
> PYTHONPATH=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{python3_sitearch}/ %{__python3} %{py_setup} test
$ rg 'setup\} test\b'
64:%{__python3} %{py_setup} test
107:PYTHONPATH=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{python3_sitearch}/ %{__python3} %{py_setup} test
> There might also be packages using tox with a tox.ini like this one:
> https://github.com/pycrypto/pycrypto/blob/master/tox.ini
Yeah, invocations hidden in tox.ini, Makefile, etc. are harder to grep for.
I might end up building everything in copr and grepping the logs for the error
Miro Hrončok
Phone: +420777974800
Fedora Matrix: mhroncok
Hello Pythonistas.
For years, the CFLAGS embedded in Python sysconfig contained -O2 in Fedora.
This was how Python was built and by default, all flags used to build Python
were embedded.
Later, the flag was removed in Fedora 39 via this change:
We wanted to remove as many flags as possible, with this motivation:
Python developers will get more upstream-like experience when building Python
extension modules and also closer to building vanilla C programs.
Note that removing -O2 specifically was not the primary motivation, but the
removal was intentional at that time.
Now we build Python 3.13 with -O3 via this change:
The change proposal said:
Other Python extension modules will remain bulidng as before, e.g. in RPM
packages, they will still be built with -O2...
However, I made a mistake and the -O3 flag leaked into sysconfig CFLAGS.
The good news is this does not seem to affect RPM packages, they are still
being built with -O2, like this:
<flags embedded in sysconfig> <$CFLAGS from automatic %set_build_flags>
E.g. ... -fcf-protection -fexceptions -O3 -O2 -flto=auto ...
The latter flag wins.
OTOH users building their own extension modules will get -O3.
This is not what was intended. However, "Python developers will get more
upstream-like experience" is more true now, because upstream Python builds use -O3:
$ podman run --rm -ti python:3.12 /usr/bin/bash
# python
>>> import sysconfig
>>> sysconfig.get_config_var('CFLAGS')
'-fno-strict-overflow -Wsign-compare -DNDEBUG -g -O3 -Wall'
So the question is:
Do we keep -O3 for user-built extension modules for speed and upstream-like
experience? (I would update the -O3 change proposal.)
Or do we loose the flag, as currently documented?
Alternatively, do something else entirely (e.g. embed -O2, or other flag...)?
Miro Hrončok
Phone: +420777974800
Fedora Matrix: mhroncok
Hello Pythonistas,
pyproject-rpm-macros 1.14.0 landed in Fedora Rawhide and ELN.
It defines a provisional Declarative Buildsystem for RPM 4.20+.
It allows you to write Python specfiles like this:
Name: python-pello
Version: 1.0.4
Release: %autorelease
Summary: Example Python library
License: MIT-0
URL: https://github.com/fedora-python/Pello
Source: %{url}/archive/v%{version}/Pello-%{version}.tar.gz
BuildSystem: pyproject
BuildOption(install): -l pello
BuildArch: noarch
%package -n python3-pello
Summary: %{summary}
%description -n python3-pello
%files -n python3-pello -f %{pyproject_files}
%doc README.md
It will fill-in %prep, %generate_buildrequires, %build, %install, and %check
sections for you. Yet you can configure/extend/override the sections if needed.
Read about all the possibilities at
in the *Provisional: Declarative Buildsystem (RPM 4.20+)* section.
This is still *provisional* and the API might change in the future.
Beware that RPM in Fedora 39/40 and EPELs does not understand this and RPM <
4.20 will not parse such spec files, so this is inconvenient to use unless you
run Rawhide -- fedpkg prep, rpmbuild -bs, spectool -g, rpmdev-bumpspec won't
work properly...
If you don't use Rawhide, you can build a SRPM like this:
mock -r fedora-rawhide-x86_64 --enablerepo=local --resultdir=./ --buildsrpm
--spec python-pello.spec --source Pello-1.0.4.tar.gz
Or use fedpkg with --srpm-mock.
However, even some infra tools that don't run on Rawhide will likely fail with
a package like this (e.g. Copr or Zuul). Use this at your own risk. Koji builds
SRPMs for Rawhide on Rawhide, so it works there.
Please experiment with this and report back how does it work for you.
Happy packaging.
Miro Hrončok
Phone: +420777974800
Fedora Matrix: mhroncok
I am working on the RPM pyproject declarative buildsystem.
t;dr it turns this:
BuildSystem: pyproject
into this:
%autosetup -p1 -C
%pyproject_save_files ...
It allows to override options to sections with BuildOption.
For detailed documentation, see
https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/pyproject-rpm-macros/pull-request/455 (it
has README changes in it).
What should be the default for BuildOption(install)? That is, what should be
passed to %pyproject_save_files if the packager does not override it?
1. The safe+hard default: nothing
The %pyproject_save_files macro currently has no default. It requires at least
one argument. This is to avoid accidentally packaging something we don't want.
Explicit is better than implicit.
For this reason, users of the pyproject declarative buildsystem would be
required to always set BuildOption(install) explicitly.
Why I don't like this option: The declarative buildsystem was invented to make
spec files simpler. Making BuildOption(install) mandatory defeats the purpose.
2. The easy+dangerous default: '*'
When we pass '*' to %pyproject_save_files by default, we ensure all packages
work without BuildOption(install). This is the easy way. Everything is
automagic, no boilerplate necessary.
Passing '*' to %pyproject_save_files is forbidden by the Fedora packaging
guidelines because it is dangerous. If upstream removes a Python module or
(perhaps accidentally) adds a new one that conflicts with other packages, the
Fedora packager should notice.
Why I don't like this option: The default is forbidden in Fedora and hence it
is only useful elsewhere (e.g. Copr). Defaults should encourage the desired
pattern, defaults should not be forbidden. Packagers will use the default and
the rule will be ignored as not practical.
3. Guess the module name: python-foo -> foo
When the package is named somehow, we like the Python modules to be named
identical-ish. We can create a transformation of %{name} and make that the
default. Something like this:
1. Strip python- prefix if found.
2. Strip everything after a dot (including the dot) if found.
3. Convert dashes, dots etc. to underscores.
Some nice examples:
python-requests -> requests
python-zope.interface -> zope
python-flit-core -> flit_core
tomcli -> tomcli
Examples that would need manual BuildOption(install):
python-zope-interface -> zope_interface (we need zope)
python-djangorestframework -> djangorestframework (we need rest_framework)
pytest -> pytest (we need pytest _pytest py)
This would produce a reasonable default that is easy and safe for sane packages
but it is not dangerous for the weird ones.
Option 3a) is to do this in the pyproject declarative buildsytsem macros
implementation. Explicit callers of %pyproject_save_files would not be able to
use this, which only has downsides.
Option 3b) is to make this the behavior of %pyproject_save_files when it has no
arguments. If additional module globs are necessary, all module globs need to
be passed explicitly.
Option 3c) is to make this the behavior of `%pyproject_save_files -n` and make
-n the default BuildOption(install). Users of %pyproject_save_files could
combine -n with explicit module glob list (e.g. `%pyproject_save_files -n
_pytest py` for pytest).
Why I don't like this: Its' heuristics. It smells like guesswork. I prefer
things explicit.
4. Default to %{pypi_name}
Similarly to option 3, we prefer the PyPI name and the module name to match.
Hence, we could default to %{pypi_name} or %{srcname} like %{pypi_source} does.
There would still need to be some transformations applied, because %{pypi_name}
can contain dashes and dots, etc...
Why I don't like this: %{pypi_name} is not a cardinal part of a package. It's
not part of the Python packaging guidelines and does not have a clearly defined
semantics (is it the project name or the name part of the source tarball?). It
encourages packagers to define the macro and use it everywhere in the spec,
making it harder to read. Moreover, we need to apply text transformations to it
anyway, hence we might as well do them on %{name} directly (which does not have
clear semantics either, but is always there).
If I had to pick, I'd go with 3c. IMHO it is the most sane option.
What are your thoughts? Do you see other options?
Miro Hrončok
Phone: +420777974800
Fedora Matrix: mhroncok