the packaging guidelines have a few excemptions for the package review process [1]. I'm working on updating certbot to Python 3 in EPEL 7 (rhbz 1797129, [2]). I need some additional Python 3 packages in EPEL 7 to achieve that and my question is which of these packages should get a proper review.
A) python3-augeas https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2043744
This is mostly the Fedora spec with just on additional bugfix (already upstream).
B) python3-josepy intended spec file: https://github.com/FelixSchwarz/certbot-epel7-python3/blob/rawhide/python3-j...
I did not want to upgrade the existing EPEL 7 package as the required version is Python 3 only. We can not use some newer macros like %pytest but otherwise the spec is the same as in Fedora.
C) python3-boto3 python-boto3 (Python 2) version is in RHEL and won't get a Python3 package. intended spec file: https://github.com/FelixSchwarz/certbot-epel7-python3/blob/rawhide/python3-b...
The spec file is very close to the RHEL spec file just with some customizations removed.
Should I try to get reviews for each of the three packages or can I skip some of these according to the Fedora review policy?
[1] https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/ReviewGuidelines/#... [2] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1797129