Now that most of us are here, let's get started.
I received this email from someone wanting to get mayavi2 included in Fedora. It certainly looks like an interesting piece of software. Anyone want to try their hand at it?
-------- Forwarded Message -------- From: Gael Varoquaux To: Subject: Python SIG mailing list/packaging mayavi2 Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 08:01:29 +0100
I would like to send an e-mail to the Fedora python SIG, but I seem to be too stupid to find the e-mail address, so I am sending it to you. Do you mind forwarding it to the right mailing list, with me in CC.
Here is the catch, I would like mayavi2 ( , the web page is horendous) to be included in Fedora. I propose to do it the same way we did it under debian, with three packages, breaking up the fonctionality of the tools suite that we are using for better reuse. In Debian, these are: python-enthought-traits python-enthought-traits-ui mayavi2
I must admit that due to a large modularity of the tools suite (more like 20 packages than 3, and not all used in mayavi2), and heavy use of setuptools packaging this stuff is not trivial. But we finally got it right with the Debian packages, and I am sure we can talk to the maintainers and find out what ended up being the best way to do it.
The relevent mailing-list is and we will be happy helping you doing these packages. None of the mayavi2 developpers run an rpm-based distribution, so it is a bit hard for us to bootstrap the process.
In terms of functionnality for the users, the webpage is terribly poorly written, but you can find some remarks on my blog . I have recently had the pleasure to see new users pick up the API and apply it to their domain-specific problem with a lot of ease to build 3D visualization to fit their need with small scripts. I think that for the Python scientific user, this program answers a real need.
As a scientific user....who is writing pythonic codebases for data analysis and visualization...
I'd rather see us have a plan to incorporate the all of enthought's software base in a meaningful way... instead of cherry picking the 3d visualization stuff specifically. Enthought's stuff is a framework that should probably go in as a collection.
There's a lot there... and its introduction as a collection of software needs to be organized.
If I were even going to touch it as a user, at a bare minimum I need to know whether this framework layers over scipy and numpy.
Looking outside of enthoughts codebase, matplotlib has grown some experimental support for the traits concept. It's obviously turned off in our packages at the moment.
Jeff Spaleta wrote:
As a scientific user....who is writing pythonic codebases for data analysis and visualization...
I'd rather see us have a plan to incorporate the all of enthought's software base in a meaningful way... instead of cherry picking the 3d visualization stuff specifically. Enthought's stuff is a framework that should probably go in as a collection.
There's a lot there... and its introduction as a collection of software needs to be organized.
If I were even going to touch it as a user, at a bare minimum I need to know whether this framework layers over scipy and numpy.
I talked to several Enthought people about packaging at PyCon. I think if we talk to them about their products they'd be very interested in working with us to get their framework into Fedora in a coherent state. However, I don't know anything about scientific computing so I'm not the ideal candidate for working on this.
Jef, if you have time to take point on coordinating this, I could introduce you to Dave Peterson and see if we could get some collaboration going.
On Friday 28 March 2008 21:46:47 Jeff Spaleta wrote:
I'd rather see us have a plan to incorporate the all of enthought's software base in a meaningful way... instead of cherry picking the 3d visualization stuff specifically. Enthought's stuff is a framework that should probably go in as a collection.
There's a lot there... and its introduction as a collection of software needs to be organized.
Another case of herculean works comes from libsage, they carry more than 70 external packages inside the tar package:
$ tar tf sage-2.10.tar | grep spkg | grep standard | \ sed -e's|sage-2.10/spkg/standard/||' | grep spkg
atlas-3.8.p7.spkg blas-20070724.spkg cddlib-094b.p0.spkg clisp-2.41.p12.spkg conway_polynomials-0.2.spkg cremona-20071219.p1.spkg cvxopt-0.9.p5.spkg cython- doc-2.10.spkg ecm-6.1.3.spkg elliptic_curves-0.1.spkg examples-2.10.spkg extcode-2.10.spkg f2c-20070816.spkg flint-1.05.p0.spkg flintqs-20070817.p1.spkg fortran-20071120.p3.spkg freetype-2.3.5.spkg gap-4.4.10.p0.spkg gd-2.0.33.p5.spkg gdmodule-0.56.p4.spkg genus2reduction-0.3.spkg gfan-0.2.2.p2.spkg givaro-3.2.6.p5.spkg gmp-4.2.1.p12.spkg gnutls-1.6.3.spkg graphs-20070722.spkg gsl-1.9.spkg iml-1.0.1.p8.spkg ipython-0.8.1.p1.spkg ipython1-20070130.spkg jmol-11.5.2.spkg lapack-20071123.p0.spkg lcalc-20070107.p0.spkg libfplll-2.1.6-20071129.spkg libgcrypt-1.2.4.spkg libgpg_error-1.5.spkg libm4ri-20071224.spkg libpng-1.2.22.p3.spkg linbox-20070915.p3.spkg matplotlib-0.91.1.p2.spkg maxima-5.13.0.p2.spkg mercurial-0.9.5.p0.spkg moin-1.5.7.p2.spkg mpfi-1.3.4-cvs20071125.p4.spkg mpfr-2.3.0.p1.spkg networkx-0.35.1.spkg ntl-5.4.1.p10.spkg numpy-20080104-1.0.4.p1.spkg opencdk-0.5.9.spkg palp-1.1.spkg pari-2.3.3.spkg pexpect-2.0.p1.spkg polybori-0.1-r6.spkg pycrypto-2.0.1.p1.spkg python-2.5.1.p11.spkg python_gnutls-1.1.1.spkg quaddouble-2.2.p7.spkg r-2.6.1.p8.spkg readline-5.2.p0.spkg rpy-1.0.1.p0.spkg rubiks-20070912.p0.spkg sage-2.10.spkg sage_scripts-2.10.spkg scipy-20071020-0.6.p2.spkg scipy_sandbox-20071020.spkg scons-0.97.spkg singular-3-0-4-1-20071209.p3.spkg sqlite-3.5.3.p1.spkg symmetrica-2.0.p0.spkg sympow-1.018.1.p3.spkg sympy-0.5.7.spkg tachyon-0.98beta.p3.spkg termcap-1.3.1.spkg twisted-2.5.0.p8.spkg weave-0.4.9.spkg zlib-1.2.3.p3.spkg zodb3-3.7.0.p0.spkg
2008/3/28 Jeff Spaleta
As a scientific user....who is writing pythonic codebases for data analysis and visualization...
I'd rather see us have a plan to incorporate the all of enthought's software base in a meaningful way... instead of cherry picking the 3d visualization stuff specifically. Enthought's stuff is a framework that should probably go in as a collection.
There's a lot there... and its introduction as a collection of software needs to be organized.
If I were even going to touch it as a user, at a bare minimum I need to know whether this framework layers over scipy and numpy.
Hi everyone,
I am willing to help out in an effort to bring the Enthought collection into Fedora. I've used parts of it at work, but never got familiar with the rather complex setup. If anyone has a plan I am willing to put several hours into packaging and testing.