I noticed that there's an effort to better organize the various Special Interest Groups in Fedora: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-engineering-services/ticket/2
I noticed that although https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Python had "[[Category:Language-specific SIGs]]" we didn't have: "[[Category:SIGs]]" and so we weren't showing anywhere on that page.
I've fixed this, and the page is now at least showing on the list at the bottom of: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:SIGs
However, we're not in the hand-written list on that page, and I feel that we should be (hey, Ruby gets a mention, why can't we :) )
Any ideas what the summary info for the SIG should be? At the risk of plagiarism, Ruby's says: "A SIG for people who are interested in improving the state of Ruby in Fedora. This includes packaging Ruby libraries and applications, setting and improving standards for packaging them as RPM's and maintaining Ruby packages for Fedora."
and that might be a good first start, but I'd also include the runtime as well as libraries and applications - I don't want people to feel that the runtime is somehow sacrosanct (just more care required!).
How about this: "A SIG for people who are interested in Python on Fedora. This includes packaging and optimizing the various Python 2 and Python 3 runtimes (CPython, Jython), packaging libraries and applications, setting and improving standards for packaging them as RPM's and maintaining Python packages for Fedora." (somewhat copied from Ruby)
I think the various questions on the F-E-S ticket are good ones. I'm willing to do some work towards some of that ticket, but any help would be welcome.
Thoughts? Dave
On Wednesday 17 March 2010 19:36:35 David Malcolm wrote:
How about this: "A SIG for people who are interested in Python on Fedora. This includes packaging and optimizing the various Python 2 and Python 3 runtimes (CPython, Jython), packaging libraries and applications, setting and improving standards for packaging them as RPM's and maintaining Python packages for Fedora." (somewhat copied from Ruby)
I find this a good start (just as you do). :-)
Just to add to the discussion my main interest in this SIG is on scientific and/or educational python packages.
What we see, in terms of packaging, in projects like sage http://www.sagemath.org/ or in other projects (proprietary) like EPD (Enthought Python distribution) or Python(x,y) is that put everything under the sun on those packages.
It would be nice to have the free parts in Fedora...
Such as the above statement is written I see these goals there.
On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 03:11:15PM +0000, José Matos wrote:
On Wednesday 17 March 2010 19:36:35 David Malcolm wrote:
How about this: "A SIG for people who are interested in Python on Fedora. This includes packaging and optimizing the various Python 2 and Python 3 runtimes (CPython, Jython), packaging libraries and applications, setting and improving standards for packaging them as RPM's and maintaining Python packages for Fedora." (somewhat copied from Ruby)
I find this a good start (just as you do). :-)
Just to add to the discussion my main interest in this SIG is on scientific and/or educational python packages.
What we see, in terms of packaging, in projects like sage http://www.sagemath.org/ or in other projects (proprietary) like EPD (Enthought Python distribution) or Python(x,y) is that put everything under the sun on those packages.
It would be nice to have the free parts in Fedora...
Such as the above statement is written I see these goals there.
WRT enthought, they're very interested in getting their software packaged for individual distributions but don't have any manpower or inhouse knowledge on how to do that. If someone were to start working on those packages, I could pass along contact information and we could potentially have help from them on changing their packaging over time to address our needs.
On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 03:17:23PM -0400, Toshio Kuratomi wrote:
Such as the above statement is written I see these goals there.
WRT enthought, they're very interested in getting their software packaged for individual distributions but don't have any manpower or inhouse knowledge on how to do that. If someone were to start working on those packages, I could pass along contact information and we could potentially have help from them on changing their packaging over time to address our needs.
AFAIK, that's been partly done (mayavi2 is packaged under Fedora, I believe).
I believe that Rakesh Pandit is the one to thank for that work.
I second that assersion though: Enthought is interested in protecting and selling only the binaries of EPD. Enthought would like the corresponding software (all open source) to have as much success as possible, and thus to have high-quality packages on every platform.
Disclaimer: I worked for Enthought (although only a very brief amount of time, as I am pursuing a career in academia), and I have much personal interests in the success of the various Enthought-related packages, but little time for packaging work.
On Thu, 2010-03-18 at 15:11 +0000, José Matos wrote:
On Wednesday 17 March 2010 19:36:35 David Malcolm wrote:
How about this: "A SIG for people who are interested in Python on Fedora. This includes packaging and optimizing the various Python 2 and Python 3 runtimes (CPython, Jython), packaging libraries and applications, setting and improving standards for packaging them as RPM's and maintaining Python packages for Fedora." (somewhat copied from Ruby)
I find this a good start (just as you do). :-)
I went ahead and added it to the top of our SIG page here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Python#Python_Special_Interest_Group with some links, though it's definitely improvable.
I haven't yet added it to the text of: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:SIGs since I think the text could be better.
Just to add to the discussion my main interest in this SIG is on scientific and/or educational python packages.
This gave me an idea: we could list our particular interests on the SIG page. I went ahead and put mine there: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Python#Members
Would other people be up for listing their own areas on that page?
AFAIK we don't have any kind of formal membership, and I think that's a good thing - I "joined" by adding my name to the list of "Members" on the page, and subscribing to this list (and telling xchat to autologin to the IRC channel).
So would it be fair to add something like this to the page: "If you're interested in Python and Fedora, add your name to this list, join the mailing list/IRC channel, and get involved"
What we see, in terms of packaging, in projects like sage http://www.sagemath.org/ or in other projects (proprietary) like EPD (Enthought Python distribution) or Python(x,y) is that put everything under the sun on those packages.
It would be nice to have the free parts in Fedora...
Such as the above statement is written I see these goals there.
I met one of the Enthought developers at PyCon last month. I found EPD extremely interesting, if nothing else, as a listing of high-value Python packages. I don't know if we have every package in EPD, but it might be possible to automate comparing Fedora vs EPD: http://www.enthought.com/products/epdlibraries.php
IIRC Enthought link EPD's build of NumPy against a non-redistributable Intel mathematics library, which means it's probably faster than the default, but I suspect the license of the Intel lib is a blocker for us doing the same in Fedora :(
Thoughts? Dave