In November of 2009, in time for Fedora 13, we solved a packaging issue in the main python package that allowed us to remove a split in our python-setuptools package. Instead of needing a separate python-setuptools-devel subpackage for easy_install the python-setuptools package could now contain all of the functionality of python-setuptools. To ease with package migration we added an Obsoletes and Provides tag to the python-setuptools package at that time so that packages, kickstarts, etc which required python-setuptools-devel would not break.
Fast forward to the present day:
It's November of 2013. Rawhide is Fedora 21. I'd like to drop the backwards compatibility Provides (and Obsoletes) from the python-setuptools package. However, there are currently 166 packages BuildRequire'ing python-setuptools-devel. If owners would care to fix them before I remove the backwards compatibility there shouldn't be any surprises in mass rebuilds or late-night package updates later. The changes are easy enough that provenpackagers could step in if owners don't update.
Changes are simply:
-BuildRequires: python-setuptools-devel +BuildRequires: python-setuptools
(Same for Requires: lines but AFAICT I fixed the last of those today)
Here's the list:
Listing by package:
| PyOpenGL | fcami, cicku | TurboGears2 | toshio, lmacken, ralph, vicodan | antlr | mizdebsk, mjakubicek | babel | fschwarz, jcollie, nphilipp | bodhi | lmacken | bzr-fastimport | dcallagh | catkin | rmattes | certmaster | ssalevan, alikins, wakko666 | cloud-init | mattdm, apevec, pbrady, gholms | clusterPy | volter | cobbler | jimi, shenson | django-typepad | lbazan | euca2ools | gholms | fedmsg | lmacken, ralph | fedmsg-notify | lmacken, ralph | firstaidkit | msivak | func | gnat, ssalevan, alikins, wakko666 | fuse-python | peter | gaupol | lucilanga | geome | pwouters | gflags | peter | glances | madko | gnome-shell-search-fedora-packages | ralph | gnome-shell-search-github-repositories | ralph | gnome-shell-search-pinboard | ralph | grin | terjeros | hgsvn | terjeros | libconcord | swt2c, silfreed | libpfm | wcohen | nml | heffer | nwsclient | spot | openerp | leamas | ovirt-engine-cli | oschreib, jhernand | phatch | jcapik | planet | limb | protobuf | mizdebsk, jlaska, abbot, konradm | pss | kushal | pssh | terjeros | pycolumnize | kushal | pykickstart | bcl, clumens | pymodbus | chkr | pymol | timfenn | pyrasite | lmacken | python-Coherence | hadess, thias | python-Levenshtein | dwayne | python-PSI | topdog | python-TurboMail | fschwarz, toshio, lmacken | python-altgraph | fab | python-amara | jamatos | python-atfork | jlaska | python-batchhttp | puiterwijk | python-blivet | bcl, dlehman | python-boto | robert, gholms | python-bugzilla | dzickus, crobinso, wwoods | python-clientform | lmacken | python-confparser | dougsland, aquini | python-ctags | kushal | python-daap | jcollie | python-decoratortools | toshio, lmacken | python-demjson | thm | python-di | msivak | python-dictclient | ricky | python-django-ajax-selects | lbazan | python-django-threadedcomments | lbazan | python-dotconf | mjakubicek | python-dtopt | ralph, ricky | python-editdist | pwouters | python-elfdata | kushal | python-enum | maxamillion | python-fastimport | dcallagh | python-feedcache | lmacken | python-flup | till | python-futures | terjeros | python-gnutls | gnat, peter | python-googlevoice | jcollie | python-guppy | peter | python-html2text | mschwendt, thl | python-httplib2 | awjb, dchen | python-iniparse | timlau | python-isodate | jmatthews, jlaska | python-jinja | toshio, thm | python-kid | toshio, till, lmacken | python-louie | thias | python-markupsafe | kylev, lmacken | python-mechanize | lmacken | python-meh | clumens, vpodzime | python-mpd | hguemar | python-musicbrainz2 | jcollie, alexlan | python-netifaces | rrix | python-nss | jdennis | python-numeric | rstrode, rhughes, alexlan, johnp, alexl, caolanm, ssp, mbarnes, hadess, mclasen, caillon | python-oauth | sdz | python-openid | jcollie | python-pandas | kushal | python-peak-rules | kylev, lmacken | python-peak-util-symbols | lmacken | python-pmw | timfenn | python-ptrace | terjeros | python-pyramid | lmacken, ralph, rossdylan | python-pysctp | nhorman | python-rdfextras | pingou | python-rdflib | dmalcolm, pingou | python-remoteobjects | bkabrda | python-repoze-lru | lmacken, ralph | python-repoze-tm2 | lmacken | python-repoze-what | lmacken | python-repoze-what-plugins-sql | lmacken | python-repoze-what-pylons | spot | python-repoze-what-quickstart | spot | python-repoze-who-friendlyform | spot | python-repoze-who-plugins-sa | lmacken | python-repoze-who-testutil | spot | python-rosdep | rmattes | python-rosinstall | rmattes | python-rospkg | rmattes | python-rpmfluff | jhutar | python-ruledispatch | toshio, lmacken | python-scripttest | mbacovsk | python-shapely | volter | python-shove | lmacken | python-signalfd | jlaska | python-simpy | sarantis | python-sippy | peter | python-spiffgtkwidgets | leamas | python-sqlamp | mbacovsk | python-suds | jortel | python-sudsds | jskarvad | python-sybase | yaneti | python-tag | thias | python-textile | thm | python-tgext-admin | lmacken | python-tgext-crud | lmacken | python-translationstring | lmacken, ralph | python-turbocheetah | toshio, lmacken | python-tw-jquery | lmacken | python-twill | thias | python-typepad | lbazan | python-unipath | terjeros | python-urllib2_kerberos | tdabasin | python-urwid | lmacken, fabiand, dcantrel | python-vcstools | rmattes | python-venusian | lmacken, ralph, rossdylan | python-weberror | lmacken, ricky | python-webflash | lmacken | python-webhelpers | kylev | python-webob1.1 | lmacken | python-wsgiproxy | ricky | python-wsgiref | lmacken | python-xappy | lmacken | python-xmpp | jcollie, peter | python-yenc | konradm | python-zope-deprecation | lmacken, ralph | pywbem | miminar, ke4qqq, jsafrane | pywebdav | sharkcz | rednotebook | fab, cwickert | sendKindle | kparal | snake | jlaska, wwoods | spambayes | pghmcfc | squeal | dmalcolm | supybot | ricky | trac | limb, fschwarz, lmacken | trac-tracnav-plugin | thm | trash-cli | sundaram, ankursinha | veusz | jsanders | vhybridize | fab | zapplet | ke4qqq
Listing by maintainer:
| abbot | protobuf | alexl | python-numeric | alexlan | python-numeric, python-musicbrainz2 | alikins | certmaster, func | ankursinha | trash-cli | apevec | cloud-init | aquini | python-confparser | awjb | python-httplib2 | bcl | pykickstart, python-blivet | bkabrda | python-remoteobjects | caillon | python-numeric | caolanm | python-numeric | chkr | pymodbus | cicku | PyOpenGL | clumens | pykickstart, python-meh | crobinso | python-bugzilla | cwickert | rednotebook | dcallagh | python-fastimport, bzr-fastimport | dcantrel | python-urwid | dchen | python-httplib2 | dlehman | python-blivet | dmalcolm | squeal, python-rdflib | dougsland | python-confparser | dwayne | python-Levenshtein | dzickus | python-bugzilla | fab | vhybridize, rednotebook, python-altgraph | fabiand | python-urwid | fcami | PyOpenGL | fschwarz | babel, python-TurboMail, trac | gholms | cloud-init, python-boto, euca2ools | gnat | python-gnutls, func | hadess | python-numeric, python-Coherence | heffer | nml | hguemar | python-mpd | jamatos | python-amara | jcapik | phatch | jcollie | babel, python-googlevoice, python-xmpp, python-openid, python-daap, python-musicbrainz2 | jdennis | python-nss | jhernand | ovirt-engine-cli | jhutar | python-rpmfluff | jimi | cobbler | jlaska | python-isodate, python-atfork, protobuf, python-signalfd, snake | jmatthews | python-isodate | johnp | python-numeric | jortel | python-suds | jsafrane | pywbem | jsanders | veusz | jskarvad | python-sudsds | ke4qqq | zapplet, pywbem | konradm | protobuf, python-yenc | kparal | sendKindle | kushal | pycolumnize, pss, python-elfdata, python-ctags, python-pandas | kylev | python-markupsafe, python-webhelpers, python-peak-rules | lbazan | python-typepad, python-django-ajax-selects, python-django-threadedcomments, django-typepad | leamas | openerp, python-spiffgtkwidgets | limb | planet, trac | lmacken | python-repoze-what-plugins-sql, python-peak-rules, python-translationstring, python-ruledispatch, python-pyramid, python-shove, python-kid, TurboGears2, python-wsgiref, python-peak-util-symbols, python-weberror, python-repoze-who-plugins-sa, python-repoze-lru, python-decoratortools, python-repoze-tm2, python-webflash, python-webob1.1, pyrasite, python-clientform, python-tgext-crud, bodhi, python-xappy, python-repoze-what, python-markupsafe, python-tw-jquery, trac, python-zope-deprecation, fedmsg, python-tgext-admin, python-TurboMail, fedmsg-notify, python-mechanize, python-urwid, python-venusian, python-turbocheetah, python-feedcache | lucilanga | gaupol | madko | glances | mattdm | cloud-init | maxamillion | python-enum | mbacovsk | python-sqlamp, python-scripttest | mbarnes | python-numeric | mclasen | python-numeric | miminar | pywbem | mizdebsk | antlr, protobuf | mjakubicek | antlr, python-dotconf | mschwendt | python-html2text | msivak | python-di, firstaidkit | nhorman | python-pysctp | nphilipp | babel | oschreib | ovirt-engine-cli | pbrady | cloud-init | peter | gflags, python-guppy, python-xmpp, python-sippy, python-gnutls, fuse-python | pghmcfc | spambayes | pingou | python-rdfextras, python-rdflib | puiterwijk | python-batchhttp | pwouters | geome, python-editdist | ralph | python-dtopt, python-zope-deprecation, gnome-shell-search-fedora-packages, fedmsg, gnome-shell-search-github-repositories, fedmsg-notify, python-pyramid, python-venusian, python-translationstring, TurboGears2, python-repoze-lru, gnome-shell-search-pinboard | rhughes | python-numeric | ricky | python-weberror, python-dtopt, python-wsgiproxy, supybot, python-dictclient | rmattes | python-rospkg, python-rosdep, python-rosinstall, catkin, python-vcstools | robert | python-boto | rossdylan | python-pyramid, python-venusian | rrix | python-netifaces | rstrode | python-numeric | sarantis | python-simpy | sdz | python-oauth | sharkcz | pywebdav | shenson | cobbler | silfreed | libconcord | spot | nwsclient, python-repoze-who-friendlyform, python-repoze-what-pylons, python-repoze-who-testutil, python-repoze-what-quickstart | ssalevan | certmaster, func | ssp | python-numeric | sundaram | trash-cli | swt2c | libconcord | tdabasin | python-urllib2_kerberos | terjeros | pssh, python-futures, python-unipath, python-ptrace, grin, hgsvn | thias | python-tag, python-louie, python-twill, python-Coherence | thl | python-html2text | thm | python-textile, python-jinja, trac-tracnav-plugin, python-demjson | till | python-flup, python-kid | timfenn | python-pmw, pymol | timlau | python-iniparse | topdog | python-PSI | toshio | python-TurboMail, python-ruledispatch, python-turbocheetah, python-kid, python-jinja, TurboGears2, python-decoratortools | vicodan | TurboGears2 | volter | python-shapely, clusterPy | vpodzime | python-meh | wakko666 | certmaster, func | wcohen | libpfm | wwoods | python-bugzilla, snake | yaneti | python-sybase