Hello Pythonistas,
I intent to upgrade pytest in Rawhide to 7.0.x next week.
There are ~18 packages affected at build time and 2 almost-unused pytest plugins are affected on runtime.
See https://bugzilla.redhat.com/showdependencytree.cgi?id=PYTEST7
If you wish to test your changes against pytest 7, send a rawhide pull request to your package and it will show up in https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/churchyard/pytest-7/builds/ -- alternatively, use that Copr repo directly, e.g. in mock or in another Copr.
If you need help getting your package fixed with pytest 7, feel free to ask. If the problem remains unfixed, your package will fail to build from source starting next week.
In the worst case scenario, I can help you package python-pytest6, but I do not wish to maintain that long term.