On Tue, Dec 24, 2024 at 09:15:29AM -0500, Ben Beasley wrote:
I agree with the plan, but I wanted to note that deprecating a package that other packages depend on requires a FESCo-approved Change[1].
(It is weird that the deprecation policy is so much more bureaucratic than the retirement policy. By comparison, I don’t know of any policy that would forbid summarily retiring a package that others depend on. It’s a bad practice, and one might be asked to allow someone else to unretire and maintain the package if the consequences are bad enough, but I’ve never seen a blanket policy against it.)
[1] https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/deprecating-packag...
You're right on both counts - I'll file a Change Proposal later today, and if it did not get accepted I can unmark the package as deprecated later.
I opened PR’s (or in some cases committed directly) to remove the pytest-runner dependency from the following packages for which I am a direct or group/SIG co-maintainer, sending PR’s upstream where applicable.
Thank you!
Best regards,