On Mon, Jul 9, 2018 at 2:40 PM, Miro HronĨok <mhroncok@redhat.com> wrote:
All Python 3 packages now get bytceode related errors with Python 3.7.

See for example https://taskotron.fedoraproject.org/artifacts/all/7653ca56-8370-11e8-bbcf-525400fc9f92/tests.yml/python-libsass-0.14.5-1.fc29.log

rpmlint was fixed to work with Python 3.7 bytecode in 1.10-14.

Note that form the logs it seems you run fc28 rpmlint on rawhide builds. Is that OK? I've told spot that the 3.7 related fixes are not needed on F28, but are they?

Hi Miro,

we currently run all our tests on F28 machines. That was mainly done to increase reliability, especially compared to running on Rawhide clients. So yes, if you update rpmlint on F28, this problem will disappear.

We have the capacity to run a particular test on a machine with system version matching the package disttag. For example if the test needed to install the package, that would be necessary. But we always considered rpmlint to be a generic test that can be independent from the system environment. If it is not much of a problem, it would be great if you could make sure the F28 rpmlint works well even for Rawhide packages. I think it matches the developer use case, where they can easily run rpmlint from their stable Fedora release workstation on their freshly built Rawhide packages.
