I am writing this from Dortmund, at the useR! 2008 conference
I will have a talk tomorrow about the interaction between R and Fedora. It is
a 15 minutes session so there is not much time to expand. I will present
Fedora and it interacts with R. There are several issues that are common to
the relation between Fedora and languages like perl, python, latex or R.
I will also take the opportunity to hear feedback from several types of users
regarding the state of R in Fedora. If there is anything relevant I will
report back to this list.
I have asked pingou (I hope I can use this) to write to the list with the new
releases of his package as it would be nice that package automatically in
Fedora using yum.
PS: In case you are wondering why I took so long to send this message to the
list, believe that it is a long story that involves time shortage. :-)
José Abílio
Dear all
As agreed with José there is the news of the new release of R2spec.
Have a nice sunday
Best regards,
There is the latest version of R2spec, I have been working quite a bit
on it with the suggestion of faceface from #R on irc.freenode.net to
improve this software. Therefore the changelog for this new release is
quite long and the list of features added seems also important.
The principle is still the same: make R packages as simple as possible.
Seems there are mainly two sources of libraries for R (Bioconductor and
the CRAN) I added two options (--bioc and --cran) that add the Source0
and the URL in the spec file if it has not been defined by the --url option.
From that I aslo considered the case of the noarch packages, it now
looks for *.c, *.C, *.cp, *.cpp, *.f and *.F files, if it does not find
any it consider the package as noarch and thus adapt the specfile for that.
It also offers the possibility to move the source to %_topdir (defined
in ~/.rpmmacros) so that you can directly run the rpmbuild -ba once you
have made the small correction advised on the spec file.
That's the main features added, you can see below the changelog for this
new release and you can always test and give feed back, report bugs and
suggest enhancement on the trac of the R2spec project [1].
The RPMs and sources are available on the git of the R2spec project [2].
Thanks for your attention :-)
[1] https://fedorahosted.org/r2spec
[2] https://fedorahosted.org/r2spec/browse