R 2.12.1 is built now for Fedora and EPEL. It is in "updates-testing"
(or it will be within the next 24 hours).
In accordance with the new policies on Fedora Updates, these new
packages will not be pushed as official updates until they either
receive positive testing from users, or sit in updates-testing for two
You can help us test these packages, and move them forward. Here's how:
1. Go to the Fedora Updates web application (its real name is "Bodhi"):
Once you're there, click the login blue box at the top left, and login
with your Fedora Account. If you don't have a Fedora Account, you can
give feedback, but it doesn't count towards giving the update positive
karma. For that reason, I would strongly recommend that you take 45
seconds and create a Fedora Account. :)
2. Click on the link for the Fedora R test update that matches your release:
Fedora 13:
Fedora 14:
EPEL-4 (RHEL-4):
EPEL-5 (RHEL-5):
3. Now, on your Fedora (or RHEL) system, run this command (as root, or
with root privs) to install the test update:
yum --enablerepo=updates-testing update R
That should update R to the test update (if you don't want the full R
suite, you can replace "R" in that string with "R-core").
4. Test it! Make sure it does all the things you would expect it to.
5. Go back to the web page for the R update (step 2), and at
the bottom, click "Add a comment >>"
(If you didn't login, it will ask you for an email address and make you
complete a captcha to make sure you are a unique individual.)
In that text box which opens up, write a little bit about the testing
you did and if it works okay for you or not. Then (this is the important
part), click the "Works for me" or "Does not work" radio button below
it, and click the Add Comment button.
6. That's it! If it worked, you've given that update a +1 karma vote.
(If it didn't work, you've given it a -1 karma vote). Now, if three
people (with Fedora Accounts) give a +1, and the package update gets to
+3, the Fedora Update system will automatically move the update from
testing to a real update, and everyone will get it.
Thanks in advance,
Tom Callaway, Fedora/EPEL R maintainer