Dear all,
To the great despair of spot, I have started to build CRAN and
Bioconductor :-)
This time, I am trying to make things cleaner and more accessible.
I just uploaded all the spec files on github:
and the scripts on:
The whole project is hosted at
At the moment everything is still in a early stage (for example, the
r-repo-release rpm is not even done yet), but if you configure the repo
by hand, you should be able to get RPMs.
At least this time, if work becomes overwhelming again, what has been
done will remain accessible :-)
I would prefer to not announce this officially just yet, but some
feedback be nice (thus this email). So if you feel like testing and are
facing problem, let me know!
Hope this helps,
Best regards,
Hi all,
Although using the latest version of R from updates-testing:
I could however recompile successfully R-zoo (arch specific) and
R-widgetTools (noarch) from their latest git version without errors. I
think this is worth noting.
Good day,