Hi Ian,

Is there a Hello world agent, available, so i can at least setup my development environment, and do a Full Cycle, or development to deployment
Plus i am guessing, i have to basically develop a J2EE app, since this is based on JBoss ? Right ?


From: Ian Springer <ian.springer@redhat.com>
To: rhq-users@lists.fedorahosted.org
Sent: Thursday, February 2, 2012 4:25 PM
Subject: Re: RHQ to monitor Asterisk

Not that I know of. But you could write an Agent plugin for it.

On 02/02/2012 04:19 PM, Kamal Ahmed wrote:
Is there a way to use RHQ to monitor Asterisk. As an Example here are some packages that monitor asterisk performance:


The current version of Argus has builtin support for monitoring SIP and IAX2, as well as support for querying the asterisk manager interface. Argus can be configured to notify someone if a PRI goes down, or if asterisk goes off to la-la-land (etc).


Cacti is a general purpose monitoring application, one user has developed an Asterisk plugin. More information on this plugin can be found here.

Update 2007

We at ITConnection.ru are happy to post a Cacti script for Asterisk IP-PBX statistics. It's based on Python, works over Asterisk manager API connection and provides cute and comprehensive graphs. You can download Cacti's plug-in from this page: http://forums.cacti.net/viewtopic.php?p=111317


Cognito's flagship monitoring offering, Precognito supports Asterisk monitoring out of the box, with metrics on active calls, channels as well as real-time alerts when there are performance issues with the Asterisk application, or the underlying OS. On-demand and scheduled reports are also available, and Cognito supports its customers with certified Linux engineers who help customers with deployments and maintenance.


easySysAdmin easySysAdmin is an automated support/security platform, designed to save your engineer's time and prevent hacking attempts. Specifically of interest to Asterisk users is the monitoring of SIP registrations, and automatic blocking of repeated failed attempts. In addition, "bad" IP addresses are shared via the service so other users can block them pre-emptively. For more information and the free trial visit our web site.


Hobbit is a Big Brother compatible network monitor.

Humbug Labs

Humbug Labs is a carrier-class analytics and fraud detection system for soft-switches and PBX systems.


  • A script and instructions on how to setup MRTG for graphing asterisk activity can be find here


  • Scripts for graphing Asterisk activity with Munin can be found here
  • PyMunin - Multigraph Munin Plugins in Python - PyMunin includes a Multigraph Munin Plugin for Asterisk that implements the following graphs: asterisk_calls, asterisk_channels, asterisk_peers_sip, asterisk_peers_iax2, asterisk_voip_codecs, asterisk_conferences, asterisk_voicemail, asterisk_trunks.


Notes documenting a simple Asterisk monitoring implementation utilizing Nagios:

  • NAGISK: A Nagios plugin compatible with NRPE (the script run on the Asterisk server). Handles threshold checks and display statuses of Peers, Konferences, Jabber buddy, Channels, Zaptel span... Official page en french - Sourceforge

  • Another Nagios plugin to test Asterisk via SIP using sipsak can be found here.

  • Official Nagios Plugins http://nagios.org/download/ have a plugin called contrib/check_asterisk.pl This does remote IAX2 checking as well as remote checking through the manager interface.

  • Plugin for monitoring Asterisk with Nagios, download the perl script and change the username, password, and server IP for the manager interface. http://megaglobal.net/docs/asterisk/html/asteriskmonitor.html - megaglobal site does not appear to exist any longer - search engine page returned - Dec 09

  • Yet another plugin to allow monitoring of concurrent calls for different protocols, or testing for IAX responsiveness can be found Here

  • Dev Nagios IAX2 plugin. Checks from remote, not the Manager Interface. Uses IAX2 POKE. Other options are there just commented out. This works but could be improved. http://odunix.org/pbx/

  • A nagios plugin wich checks weather zaptel spans are active or Deactivated http://edd.za.net/checkspans.php

PacketIsland PacketSmart

Packet Island's PacketSmart http://www.packetisland.com provides an asterisk software agent, a VoIP sniffer micro-appliance and a web hosted management service that allows for detailed SIP, RTP, and call route performance monitoring for Asterisk VoIP calls. MSPs can do remote monitoring and analysis of asterisk client sites using this product.


VoipMonitor.org is open source live network packet sniffer voip monitoring software and call recorder for linux or posix unix which analyzes SIP and RTP protocol. It can run as daemon or analyzes already captured pcap files. For each detected VoIP call voipmonitor calculates statistics about loss, burstiness, latency and predicts MOS (Meaning Opinion Score) according to ITU-T G.107 E-model so operator centers can quickly decide which calls are bad. These statistics are saved to MySQL database and each call is saved as pcap dump and optionaly to audio WAV. Free VoIPmonitor can decode only G.711 codec. Commercial version can decode from G.729/G.723/GSM/Speex/iLBC. One of unique feature of VoIPmonitor is decoding phone calls which are changing codecs during call. Synchronisation is achieved with jitterbuffer simulator so every single file is properly synchronised. Web PHP application (it is not part of open source sniffer) filters data from database and graphs latency and loss distribution. Voipmonitor also detects improperly terminated calls when BYE or OK was not seen. To accuratly transform latency to loss packets, voipmonitor simulates fixed and adaptive jitterbuffer.


Zabbix can monitor via SNMP.

Configure Asterisk so it includes the SNMP resource. Asterisk SNMP

Because Zabbix only can use MD5 authentication with DES encryption for SNMPv3 connections make sure you have the right "createUser" line in your snmpd.conf.
createUser asteriskUser MD5 <your password> DES

Use the following template in your Zabbix server Asterisk monitor template for Zabbix.


Zenoss can monitor via SNMP. Their is also a ZenPack for Asterisk monitoring:


The ZenPack can be found at: http://www.zenoss.com/community/projects/zenpacks/asterisk


The Asterisk team has added SNMP support to Asterisk 1.4.

With the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), monitoring your Asterisk installation is easy. The problem is that configuring Asterisk to work with SNMP isn’t. This easy-to-follow how-to, gets you up-and-running quickly. How To: Monitor Asterisk with SNMP


Zetamonitor is a cloud monitoring solution that support also Asterisk PBX (and other servers and network devices) trough a preconfigured agent for the major Linux distribution or SNMP protocol.
Users can view online with a web browser the status of Asterisk PBX and receive mail, SMS or Apple push alarm.



You can use www.sipnms.com online service to monitor system opearion sending sip messages ( like invite or options) and it will allert you using snmp traps or email. but your asterisk should be connected to internet since it is an online serviceHow to monitor using sipnms.com

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Ian Springer
Principal Software Developer
JBoss Operations Network
Red Hat

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