According to the documentation, the Events system can be used to monitor log files:

"The Events System supports event data streamed in from an agent and attached to a resource. These events can be any type of useful information and include a timestamp, a severity, the message and an event source. The event source allows for a resource to have different types of event data streamed in and allows the UI to let the user filter.

A common use of the events system is to track important log file messages. The Event System can be used to track log files for specific messages matching severity and/or expressions to get the most useful data. Included log tracking classes make it easy to support tailing log files and turning messages into RHQ events. Events could also be created from asynchronous messaging systems such as a JMX notification or a messaging provider such as JMS."

How can this be used to monitor an applicaton's log file? E.g. montioring the tail of the log file watching for Error messages.
Al Amyot | Consultant
Sierra Systems

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