On Oct 9, 2013, at 4:22 AM, Attila Heidrich <attila.heidrich@gmail.com> wrote:


There's an alert for  RHQ Storage node / Database / Storage service. Can be seen on the Dash, and the Service is marked red in the Inventory, but there's no Alert for this!

What can be the problem?

Screenshots are here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/c04artkily4iwif/do16j6LJg7

rhq-users mailing list

That is the availability. If the StorageService is down, I would also expect the parent RHQ Storage Node to be down as well. Can you go to Administration --> Storage Nodes and see what it reports for the availability? And you can also run an availablity scan to see if there is change. Go to the resource operation tab for your agent resource and choose the availability scan operation.