Track: Intelligent Robotic Systems (ROBOT)
The 24th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SIGAPP)
March 8 - 12, 2009, Hilton Hawaiian Village Beach Resort & Spa
Waikiki Beach, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Call for papers:
For the past twenty-three years, the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
has been a primary gathering forum for applied computer scientists,
computer engineers, software engineers, and application developers from
around the world. For the second year, the ACM SAC will have a specific
track on robotics. It aims to be a forum for researchers to share
experiences, expose issues, and discuss about this exciting research field.
Robotics is a multidisciplinary area of study that presents an enormous
commercial and research potential. While industrial robotics covers the
study, design, and use of robot systems for manufacturing, mobile
robotics concerns about developing systems that are capable of making
decisions and acting autonomously in real and unpredictable environments
to accomplish determined tasks. In the last decade, technological
advances made possible the development of very efficient sensors and
electronic devices at affordable prices. This fact has great impact on
robotics research, allowing the development of efficient and relatively
cheap sensors and computing devices. It also allows robots to accomplish
more complex tasks, posing new challenges to scientists and engineers.
This track focuses on all aspects of robotics, including related areas
and applications.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Rehabilitation Robotics
Humanoid Robotics
Underwater Robots
Search and Rescue Robots
Entertainment Robots
Multi-robot Coordination
Active Perception and Vision
Coverage and Deployment
Autonomous systems
Localization and Mapping
Evolutionary Robotics
Control Architectures and Programming
Bio-Inspired Robots
Aerial Robotics
Contact Modeling and Touching
Educational Robotics
Smart Actuators
Micro/nano robotics
Embedded Systems architectures
Reconfigurable robotic platforms
Vision-based Systems
Multi-robot systems
Important Dates
* Aug. 16, 2008: Paper submissions
* Oct. 11, 2008: Author notification
* Oct. 25, 2008: Camera-Ready Copy
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* International Association of Online Engineering *
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* Sixth International Conference on Remote Engineering and *
* Virtual Instrumentation (REV 2009) *
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* University of Bridgeport *
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* June 22-25, 2009 *
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The Sixth International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual
Instrumentation (REV 2009) will be held on June 22-25, 2009 at the
University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, Connecticut, U.S.A.
REV 2009 is the sixth in a series of annual events addressing the area of
remote engineering and virtual instrumentation. Previous editions of REV
were organized in the form of an international symposium, and evolved in
2007 to be the annual conference of the International Association of Online
Engineering. The general objective of this conference is to discuss
fundamentals, applications and experiences within the field of online
engineering, both in industry and academia. REV 2009 offers an exciting
technical program as well as academic networking opportunities during the
social events.
Scope of the conference:
Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation are emerging trends in
engineering and science. Due to:
o The increasing complexity of engineering tasks
o The availability of specialized and expensive equipment as well as
software tools and simulators
o The need for highly qualified staff to control equipment
o The demands of globalization
The general objective of this conference is to discuss fundamentals,
applications and experiences in the field of remote engineering and virtual
instrumentation. It is becoming increasingly necessary to allow the shared
use of equipment and specialized software. The use of virtual and remote
laboratories is one of the future directions for advanced teleworking,
remote services, collaborative research and e-working environments.
Another objective of the conference is to discuss guidelines for education
in university level courses. The organizers encourage industry personnel to
present their experiences and applications of remote engineering and
virtual instruments.
This conference will be organized by the School of Engineering at the
University of Bridgeport.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
o Virtual and remote laboratories
o Remote process visualization and virtual Instrumentation
o Remote control and measurement technologies
o Online engineering
o Networking and grid technologies
o Mixed Reality environments for education and training
o Demands in education and training, e-learning, b-learning, m-learning and
o Teleservice and telediagnosis
o Telerobotics and telepresence
o Support of collaborative work in virtual engineering environments
o Teleworking environments
o Telecommunities and their social impact
o Present and future trends including social and educational aspects
o Human computer interfaces, usability, reusability,accessibility
o Applications and experiences
o Standards and standardization proposals
o Innovative organizational and educational concepts for remote
The REV 2009 Conference is soliciting manuscripts which address the various
challenges and paradigms in this technological world through research and
instructional programs in Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation.
Suggested conference session topics are listed above. Other innovations in
course and laboratory experiences are also most welcome for submission. To
submit your paper abstract, please visit the conference website at
If you are interested in submitting a special paper session, panel,
tutorial, or workshop proposal, the contact information are also available
at the conference website at If your
company or institution would like to exhibit at, or co-sponsor, the
conference, the sponsorship and exhibit forms are also available at the
conference website.
Paper and other Proposal Submissions
Prospective authors are invited to submit their abstracts online in
Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format through the website of the conference at Proposals for special sessions,
tutorials, panels, workshops, co-sponsorship and exhibitions are also
welcome. Please check the conference website regarding instructions for
these proposal submissions.
Important Dates
Abstracts due 21st April, 2009
Acceptance notification 8th May, 2009
Final manuscript & Registration due 29th May, 2009
N. Gupta
REV 2009 Program Chair
University of Bridgeport
221 University Avenue
Bridgeport, CT 06604, U.S.A.
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