F the various stages are not continuous, a want of regularity, which
would probably not have occurred had it been built a century later. Upon
the floor of the tower are two small brasses, which mark respectively
the centre of the tower and the point below the apex of the spire,
showing that the spire has an inclination of 3 feet 6 inches towards the
north-west. On the walls of the tower two very large brasses record the
names of the Vicars of the church since 1242, and of the Bishops in
whose Dioceses Coventry has been included from the earliest times. Of
the latter, four were Bishops of Mercia, twenty-seven of Lichfield, six
of Coventry, thirty-three of Coventry and Lichfield, thirteen of
Lichfield and Coventry, four of Worcester, and two Bishops-Suffragan of
Coventry. The south aisle is 6 feet narrower than the north at the west
end, but its want of parallelism adds 7 feet to its width at its far
eastern end. The south-west doorway has its original doors, though these
have been subjected to restoration. The first chapel on the south side
belonged to the Dyers' Company. When the principal trade of Coventry was
the manufacture of woollen and worsted stuffs and the production of a
special blue thread, so excellent that it gave rise to a proverbial
expression, "he is true Coventry Blue", the Dyers were an important
Company.[6] A chantry known as Tale's was probably attached to this
chapel, as the salary of the priest, _L5 6s. 8d._, was paid by the
Dyers' Company of London. An upper chamber for the priest existed as
late as 1607; the floor corbels still remain. A large marble monument
(removed hither from the chancel) has medallion portraits of two
ladies--Dame Mary Bridgeman and Mrs. Eliza Samwell. The former with her
husband, Sir Orlando (Lord Keeper of the Great Seal under Charles II),
both died in 1701. The latter, dying in 1724, "ordered this monument to
be erected as a remembrance of their g