
feel free to look at packaged licensee gem in my COPR: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/pvalena/rubygems/package/rubygem-licensee/

I haven't looked at the `.spec` for a long time. It has just some dependencies removed, and is probably quite an old version. But maybe just for reference.


On Sat, Oct 14, 2023 at 6:59 PM Benson Muite <benson_muite@emailplus.org> wrote:
Am working on packaging rubygem-licensee as it would probably be a
useful complement to scancode-toolkit and other similar tools.  It
requires rubygem-faraday >= 2.0 but rubygem-elasticsearch-transport for
elasticsearch 7 requires rubygem-faraday >~ 1.0 so am packaging it as
rubygem-faraday2. Hope this will  be ok.


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