I've got a small air-gapped network of only 2 machines that I'm setting up.  As such, centralized management and deployment configurations for larger or even moderate sized networks are really way overkill.  In the past with RHEL6 I could easily do it all manually, i.e. install, apply updates, run the STIG workstation profile with --remediate, and that would get me 95% of the way there.  The remainder was usually just manually editing a few config files and that was it.  So now that I'm trying to use the OSPP profile with RHEL7 I'm finding it incredibly frustrating how much just doesn't work out of the box now that much of the remediation content is in ansible only.  The mass of GDM configuration parameters can't even be set by "remediate" anymore because so much of the fix content is now ansible only.

Given the mix of ansible and bash content, what's the right now to use this now?  Should I evaluate once and generate the ansible remediation playbook, apply it, then evaluate again with --remediate to apply the remaining bash fixes?  I've read a lot of "you can do these things with the ansible content now" but nothing that's really along the lines of how to actually generate and use it.  Earlier versions of the SSG were very easy to get a system up and running and almost in complete compliance with the government profiles, right out of the box with a single command.  The path to do this seems to have greatly increased in complexity, or at the very least, is no longer documented how to do so easily.

I certainly appreciate the extra capability and content being added into the SSG, so I don't want this to just be a rant on diminishing that.  I do feel, however, that it has come at the cost of usability.

Chuck Atkins
Staff R&D Engineer, Scientific Computing
Kitware, Inc.

On Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 11:52 AM, Watson Yuuma Sato <wsato@redhat.com> wrote:
Hello Chuck,

On 12/12/17 17:35, Chuck Atkins wrote:
There seems to be a mix of ansible and bash for fix-up scripts, in that some rules only have bash fixes, others only have ansible fixes, while most have both, and a few still have none.  When applying remediation during a scan, which ones get used?
When doing on-line remediation, i.e. by option "--remediate", the bash fixes are applied.
Is there a way to specify?
Unfortunately no, the default is to use bash, and there is no way to change it.
If I have ansible installed, will the ansible fixes automatically get used?  If the ansible ones are being used?  Do the bash-only fixes get run as well?  What about rules that have both?
Ansible remediations are not applied automatically, oscap can't consume ansible fixes. They should be used by ansible to fix the machine.

Oscap can only generate a script fix based on one kind of remediation, it doesn't know how to use mainly one type of fix, and fill the gaps with other types of remediation, but this feature sounds interesting and useful.

Chuck Atkins
Staff R&D Engineer, Scientific Computing
Kitware, Inc.

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Watson Sato
Security Technologies | Red Hat, Inc

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