On 4/3/13 11:47 AM, Kurt Seifried wrote:
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On 04/03/2013 07:24 AM, Nunez, Luis K wrote:
> Hi Chad, I've not seen any further dialog specific to the topic.
> Remediation has the tendency to scare people off :(
> I'll check with the moderator of the remediation-dev list on you
> request to join.
> Thanks.
> -ln
This is something I have to deal with as well, would it be possible to
add me to the list? thanks.
So, to clarify.... since I received a few "wtf is this?" emails off-list...

remediation-dev@nist is about developing remediation standards, such as CREs. People can signup here:

open-scap-list@redhat is about developing the OpenSCAP tool, of which:
- homepage @ http://open-scap.org/
- mailing list @ https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/open-scap-list

SCAP Security Guide is where protocols, tooling, and content come together to produce usable content such as the existing prose guides and STIG content. There's certainly overlaping interests and common problems shared between these focus areas, and cross-posting when needed is totally cool (we need to communicate!), however remediation-dev@nist isn't where we'll be figuring out remediation scripts for SSG ;)