Compose started at Sun Nov 30 05:15:07 UTC 2014 New package: php-ocramius-generated-hydrator-1.1.0-1.fc22 An object hydrator
Updated Packages:
selinux-policy-3.13.1-98.fc22 ----------------------------- * Sat Nov 29 2014 Lukas Vrabec 3.13.1-98 - Update to have all _systemctl() interface also init_reload_services() - Dontaudit access check on SELinux module store for sssd. - Label /var/lib/rpmrebuilddb/ as rpm_var_lib_t. BZ (1167946)
* Fri Nov 28 2014 Lukas Vrabec 3.13.1-97 - Allow reading of symlinks in /etc/puppet - Added TAGS to gitignore - I guess there can be content under /var/lib/lockdown #1167502 - Allow rhev-agentd to read /dev/.udev/db to make deploying hosted engine via iSCSI working. - Allow keystone to send a generic signal to own process. - Allow radius to bind tcp/1812 radius port. - Dontaudit list user_tmp files for system_mail_t - label virt-who as virtd_exec_t - Allow rhsmcertd to send a null signal to virt-who running as virtd_t - Add virt_signull() interface - Add missing alias for _content_rw_t - Allow .snapshots to be created in other directories, on all mountpoints - Allow spamd to access razor-agent.log - Add fixes for sfcb from libvirt-cim TestOnly bug. (#1152104) - Allow .snapshots to be created in other directories, on all mountpoints - Label tcp port 5280 as ejabberd port. BZ(1059930) - Make /usr/bin/vncserver running as unconfined_service_t - Label /etc/docker/certs.d as cert_t - Allow all systemd domains to search file systems
Size change: 1843 bytes
sip-redirect-0.2.0-1.fc22 ------------------------- * Sat Nov 29 2014 Robert Scheck 0.2.0-1 - Upgrade to 0.2.0
Size change: 5047 bytes
spin-kickstarts-0.22.2-1.fc22 ----------------------------- * Fri Nov 28 2014 - 0.22.2-1 - Up to date rawhide version roughly sync'd with the f21 final version
Size change: 47 bytes
Summary: Added Packages: 1 Removed Packages: 0 Modified Packages: 3 Size of added packages: 27738 (27 k) Size change of modified packages: 6937 (6.8 k) Size of removed packages: 0 (0 ) Size change: 34675 (34 k) Compose finished at Sun Nov 30 06:59:51 UTC 2014