2017-04-18 21:36 GMT+02:00 David Eisenstein <deisenstein@att.net>:
Digging around, I am not seeing much presence for security? The
mailling-list archive shows no activity on the
security-team@lists.fedoraproject.org mailing list at all since last
October? And no team meetings?
Sounds about right; security-relevant discussions, if any, happen on the global fedora-devel list, but there is not an all-encompassing Fedora security group with regular meetings to my knowledge.
Just who/how are security vulnerabilities handled in Fedora now?
By the individual package maintainers; I think this was always their primary responsibility. Red Hat’s security team may Fedora bugs for vulnerabilities they are tracking (this is certainly happening for some packages), I don’t know whether there is any formal commitment, and I would not expect this tracking to be done for the whole universe of Fedora packagers.

Either way, developing and publishing the fix is the responsibility of the individual package maintainers.