Hi all,
using selinux, I saw many times that when relocating service dirs (eg:
mysql, mongodb, etc) putting a symlink in the original location, the
affected services fail to start due to missing lnk_file read permission.
As selinux works with target file label and it is path-agnostic (this
is, indeed, a major selinux feature), while is the lnk_file read often
not granted by default? Does granting it expose to additional attack
Danti Gionatan
Supporto Tecnico
Assyoma S.r.l. - www.assyoma.it [1]
email: g.danti(a)assyoma.it - info(a)assyoma.it
GPG public key ID: FF5F32A8
"For cPanel & WHM to run on your server, SELinux must remain disabled."
Since the doc tells to disable it I would just uninstall cpanel and use ssh.
I don't see any reason to manage server's by pwn magnets like web pages which kinda run as root.