=================================================================== #fedora-meeting-1: Server Working Group Weekly Meeting (2014-10-21) ===================================================================
Meeting started by sgallagh at 15:01:34 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2014-10-28/fedora-meeting-... .
Meeting summary --------------- * roll call (sgallagh, 15:01:34)
* Agenda (sgallagh, 15:05:07) * Agenda Item: Beta RC Validation Testing (sgallagh, 15:05:11) * Agenda Item: Test Day Planning (sgallagh, 15:05:15)
* Beta RC Validation Testing (sgallagh, 15:06:38) * LINK:
https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/server/2014-October/001536.html (sgallagh, 15:06:39) * ACTION: nirik and pwhalen to perform ARM validation (sgallagh, 15:14:12) * ACTION: sgallagh to handle Active Directory-related validation (sgallagh, 15:14:28) * ACTION: danofsatx to validate Cockpit and firewall test cases. (sgallagh, 15:16:41) * LINK: https://www.happyassassin.net/wikitcms/ (sgallagh, 15:19:11) * For anyone who hates editing wiki pages to enter results but loves 1980s-style 'please select a number' TUIs, try relval (sgallagh, 15:19:27) * Anyone who wants to test should do so. Do not feel limited to your committed tests either. (sgallagh, 15:21:09) * LINK: https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/stage/21_Beta_RC2/Server (sgallagh, 15:21:38) * Disregard the Database Role test, as that was always a "nice-to-have" and it didn't get implemented. (sgallagh, 15:22:46) * ACTION: sgallagh to make sure that non-functional Roles don't show up in rolekit for Final. (sgallagh, 15:24:01) * ACTION: simo to try to handle the FreeIPA-based validation. May have a conflict. (sgallagh, 15:26:35)
* Test Day Planning (sgallagh, 15:27:19) * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:FreeIPA_Test_Cases and https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Realmd_Test_Cases (adamw, 15:32:14) * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:FreeIPA_Test_Cases (sgallagh, 15:32:26) * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Realmd_Test_Cases (sgallagh, 15:32:26) * Test with stable packages where possible, please (sgallagh, 15:35:12) * LINK: https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/list/QA/?subject=Test+Day (sgallagh, 15:40:03) * Fedora Server Test Day on November 7, 2014 (sgallagh, 15:44:00) * ACTION: junland to set it up (sgallagh, 15:44:10)
* Open Floor (sgallagh, 15:44:50)
Meeting ended at 15:48:42 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * nirik and pwhalen to perform ARM validation * sgallagh to handle Active Directory-related validation * danofsatx to validate Cockpit and firewall test cases. * sgallagh to make sure that non-functional Roles don't show up in rolekit for Final. * simo to try to handle the FreeIPA-based validation. May have a conflict. * junland to set it up
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * danofsatx * danofsatx to validate Cockpit and firewall test cases. * junland * junland to set it up * nirik * nirik and pwhalen to perform ARM validation * sgallagh * sgallagh to handle Active Directory-related validation * sgallagh to make sure that non-functional Roles don't show up in rolekit for Final. * simo * simo to try to handle the FreeIPA-based validation. May have a conflict. * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * sgallagh (98) * junland (33) * adamw (26) * simo (25) * zodbot (13) * danofsatx (11) * nirik (7) * stefw (3) * tuanta (1) * andreasn (1) * mitr (0) * davidstrauss (0) * mizmo (0)
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