Hey spins maintainers! Anaconda has long had a way of differentiating
graphics (and, actually, anything else) in the installer by providing a
product.img file. We're using this to put different graphics in the
installer for Cloud / Server / Workstation. It seems like this would be
nice for spins too.
Take a look at, for example, fedora-productimg-cloud. Basically,
anything packaged up there overrides the equivalent file in the
anaconda runtime. For live media, the approach is to copy it over in
the spin kickstart. (With the general expectation that you should only
override anaconda bits in this way.)
I expect that QA and releng don't want more freeze exceptions at this
point, but something to think about. For F22, we could even consider
allowing more drastic changes here (beyond just graphics), for spins
that want it. What do you think?
Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader