One person of the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee talked with me on event, because they have a new Stratum1 ntp servers and he spoken with all distributions with local versions to use them. I like this idea because is more quickly synchronize with one ntp server here in Brazil then one outside our country and i believe this will useful for our users.

One friend and I developed a way to do that with a post command in the Kickstart file, but in a talk with the another maintainer of Spin BrOffice.org, he told me than we can have problems with Spin Guidelines.

The solution than we propose is add this:


if [ -f /etc/ntp.conf ]; then
    sed -i    -e 's/^server 0.fedora.*$/server a.st1.ntp.br/g' \
        -e 's/^server 1.fedora.*$/server c.st1.ntp.br/g' \
        -e 's/^server 2.fedora.*$/server d.st1.ntp.br/g' /etc/ntp.conf
    echo -en "server a.st1.ntp.br\nserver c.st1.ntp.br\nserver d.st1.ntp.br\n" > /etc/ntp.conf


At the end of our kickstart file.

So, i need your help to find a way to add this improvement in our Spin, even if we need to do it another way.

What do you think about it?

Wolnei Junior
Brazil Fedora Ambassador
Telecommunications Engineer Student
Linux User #477062