Hi all,

is it possible to add Astronomy? Is a live image similar to Scientific and was accepted as a change for Fedora 24: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1242917

Kickstart: fedora-live-astronomy_kde.ks in spin-kickstarts git repo


On 02/13/2016 10:14 AM, Dennis Gilmore wrote:
Hi all,

You may have noticed that I have committed the changes needed to switch to 
livemedia-creator you can see some builds 
http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/tasks?method=livemedia&state=all&view=tree&order=-id I had to increase the rootfs for a lot of them as there was not enough 
space, a bunch failed due to broken deps. Please review the contents installed 
into your spins to see if you need to make any adjustments.

We are working on new compose tooling, the result will be that the daily 
images will be mirrored. Please be sure to do frequest testing and checking of 
your images.


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